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A/n : hey y'all *inserts unbelievable near death experience*


hi it's been a while


look I know we ended  on really bad terms and I just wanna say I'm sorry. Idk if I mentioned this before, but you really help me a lot. Recently I have been getting a lot of "damn u can spell now", I also got an A- on my essay, guess those reading periods help. All I wanna say is thank you and Im sorry.

for what? u didn't do shit, I was just going through stuff and yh Im sorry too

It's fine really, wait ...
u just sweared
no censors you sweared??
Damn I'm proud


who did this you omg 😻

you and well her, a friend



ohh 😏

don't start bro

bro happy for u fr

do u have anyone?

yeah ig, but I'm starting to rethink everything actually and face reality

oh damn, well I hope you find the right person. You really deserve it srs :))

It was genuine, he wasn't going to date online, even though your internet personal attracted him in a weird way. He decided to focus on the one good thing in his life, the real you. Frequent hangouts with You, Mikasa and Eren, made it hard to loose feelings. So now the real you was really the one, at least that's what he thought. On the other you had given up on the writer, the main inspiration for your new hubby, writing poems. Even after telling yourself you had forgotten about him, you weren't gonna waste the little bit of talent you had because a man wasn't there for you. You had found yourself getting fund of the real Armin, the sweet one with pretty eyes you could talk about for hours. Though the thought of liking Armin never popped in, it was mainly just about focusing on yourself now and not just doing things cause you like a guy.

"Could you please go get the projector in my room Armin, it's right next to my bed."

Being quite familiar with your room (for the right reasons), Armin rushed towards your room, to do as told. The rest of you, Mikasa, Eren, Sasha, Connie and Annie, resided in your living room preparing for the movie night.

"shit" Armin cursed, as he had been caught with your confession letters to a certain writer. He had found the projector, but something else had obviously caught his eye.

"what are you doing with those" You started, pissed and trying not to raise your voice.

There was no answer

"Why the fuck were you going through my stuff?"

"I'm sorry I found it on the floor" He lied, showing no signs of nervousness.

"But they were inside that box"

"No they weren't, are you okay?, memory loss or something, maybe you-" He lied again, confidently.

"whatever let's just get to the movie"

"HEY IF YOU GUYS R GONNA DO IT, HURRY UP" Eren Yelled from the living room.

"WE'RE COMING" Armin yelled back, leaving your room immediately.

Half way through the movie, you dreaded being next to Armin, as things were so awkard. There was a reccuring pattern of always ending up next to Armin and at first you weren't bothered, infact you enjoyed his company.  Unfortunately now wasn't one of those times, infact it was the worse times for your other friends little match making cupid games.

"Did you read it?" You whispered, extremely distressed by the past incident. Armin heard and took your arm, dragging you to the kitchen.

"The guy who wrote the letters, do you know who he is?"

"No and it doesn't matter anymore, those were from a while ago. I was gonna burn them either way"

"What if I said I knew him?"

"You do?, how?, who is it?"

"I thought you said it didn't matter Y/n?"

"it doesn't, whatever I hate that person either way and you jealous?"

"I'm not" Armin said defensively, with his face flushed red.

"You're blushing, damn you really are jealous" You giggled

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have gone through your stuff, please forgive me??" He pleaded, his eyes directly staring at yours.

"I can't stay mad at you for long, but thank you. Plus it's fine, we all know what jealousy does to a man"

"oh wow, harsh"

They both of you burst into laughter at this, you really couldn't stay mad for long. It wasn't really a big deal, was it?

"see I told you they would do it"

"what the fuck Eren"

𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 ❥︎ 𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧.𝐀Where stories live. Discover now