Clarisse x Annabeth

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A/N: words in italics are thoughts

Clarisse Pov

Okay, Prissy Jackson royally fucked up this time.

Picture this: I was just chillin' in the arena talking with my little brother Jacob, then all of a sudden a shadow appeared over my head-ONLY MY HEAD SO YOU KNOW IT'S PERSONAL. Anyways, I was like "What the fuck is that? " so I look up and there is just a giant fucking wave over my head and I hear a giggle to my right. I look over just to be greeted by the smuggest look on Jacksons face. Right after I look over at him the water falls right on me and I'm drenched to the fucking bone. (Keep in mind im wearing a white shirt) Once he drops the water, I see him and his little boyfriend Valdez run off... Thats when I started chasing them.

Annabeth's POV

"You know you like her. Just admit it already Annie!" Piper exclaimed laying on my bunk while I sit at my desk trying (and failing) to finish my book. It was just the two of us in my cabin because the rest of my siblings were either training or enjoying their day off.

"Piper, please stop, you know I hate that nickname." I reply looking away and burying my nose in my book so that way maybe she won't see i'm as red as a tomato.

"AHA SO YOU ADMIT IT!" She shouts jumping up and pointing a very accusing finger at me.

"What are you talking about? I didnt admit to anything!" I yell back looking her right in the eyes trying to contain my laugh

"Well you didnt deny it! You just said slmething about your nickname to try and change the subject!" She shot back

"Nuh uh."

"Yeah huh"

She gave me a pointed look then laughs to herself and sits down.

"Your going to have to tell her at some point, you do know that right?" She questions

"Yes of course I know that Piper, but she obviously doesn't like me back. The only time we ever talk is at the counselor meetings and when she wants to get dirt on Percy to get him back for all the stupid pranks he pulls on her" I say flopping back into my chair

"That is not true. Have you seen the way she looks at yo-" piper was cutoff by the Athena cabin door being kicked in

Standing in the doorway is none other than the lovely Clarisse La Rue... except for some reason she's soaking wet and seemingly out of breath. The worst part is, her shirt is completely see-through and shes only wearing a black Nike sports bra underneath.

"Mrs. Clean you need to leave. I need to talk to Chase." Clarisse orders not taking her eyes off me, and Piper obliges, mumbling something about the nickname then winking at me before closing the door behind her.

" I need a shirt." She states, clearly annoyed

"Umm okay... what happened?" I ask. Mistake #1

"Your stupid boyfriend is what happened. Now give me a shirt or i'll take one myself." She replies, her temper rising very quickly

"Okay first of all if you want something that is not how you ask, ( mistake #2) and secondly, I wanna know what happened (mistake #3) so, if you dont tell me what happened then you dont get a shirt. (mistake #2938) Also, he is NOT my boyfriend."

After the words left my mouth I instantly regretted it.

Clarisse looks at me for a second... She's either: A. trying to process what just happened or B. Trying to figure out where to dispose of my dead body

Im just looking her in the eye hoping its the first option but then she just walks towards me and stops only a few inches away from me, looks down, and just smirks at me. Except it was almost as if she were amused by me, not like shes angry.

Clarisse POV

Okay okay I know I probably should just tell her what happened but absolutely not. I cant admit that! It's so embarrassing! Not to mention the fact that Jackson had snuck into my cabin and stole all of my other shirts and my brothers are assholes and wont let me use theirs. I thought she would have just let me borrow one because Silena said she likes me but I guess im wrong? Ohhhh no. No no no i'm right. I always am.

I walk over to her and immediately notice she starts to blush. Cute. She breaks eye contact and looks at the floor.

"Look at me," I say

"No." She replies

"Look at me," I say, again

"Absolutely not." She states

"Why's that?" I muse

She takes a deep breath in and looks at me.

Annabeth's POV


I gain my composure as best I can (i'm beet red now) and look at her. Somehow I get even redder.

Now that she was close I could see how well defined her muscles are and how hot she reallllyyy is. She has an athletic build and has a well defined 6 pack. It makes sense, she practically lives in the arena and shes always training.

Unfortunately my sightseeing is cut short because she caught me staring, so she started giggling.

"Eyes up here princess," she said smiling down at me

I look up at her and just start smiling like an idiot. I'm not sure why im smiling though, this is beyond embarrassing, but something about her laugh just made me want to join in. Also, did she just call me PRINCESS?!?

After that realization I stand up and look her dead in the eyes. I figure if there is ever a good time to confess, its now

" I cant look at you because your shirt is basically nonexistent." I state

"What does that have to do with anything?" She asks

"I dont know," I say " I just want you to get a shirt on."

"You're kind of making that impossible," she replies

"How? I just want to know what happened, and then you will get your shirt." I state

"You sure thats all you want?" She teases
I'm gonna kill her.



"I am not!" I exclaim

"You are too! Your blushing so much right now Annabeth." She replies, and even though she isn't wrong its still pissing me off.

"What do you really want? Don't get all shy on me now," she asks, already knowing the answer

I look her up and down and I can only manage a single word...


A/N: Im probably going to do a part two and i might be posting more often, but im not sure yet. Also this isn't my best work but yk, if you have any ideas of what to do next or any tips to help me improve my writing just lmk

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