Chapter 47

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I curled up in the chair right outside her room, pulling my knees into my chest as my red-rimmed eyes stared blankly at her resting form through the glass.

I spent the whole night staring at her as the wheeled her into the room. I begged every doctor and nurse I could find about her condition and if we could go see her, but they all said the same thing. She needs time to rest. She needed to be monitored. Her body needs to acclimate itself first.

All I wanted was to hold her. Talk to her. Be with her to know she was okay. That we were okay.

My mind was hazy and everything was a foggy blur. I just knew that I needed to be beside her again. Give her the strength to carry on.

Looking at her through the glass was torture. Being so close to her yet so far. She of all people didn't deserve to be alone as she braved this.

I was so lost in my desolate daze that the gentle hand on my back startled me to the moon and back. I practically jumped back in the chair, almost falling out of it as a result.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," a deep morning voice gently said.

I looked up to see a very exhausted Seokjin standing over me with a halfhearted smile. Arin, Seokjin, and I had stayed the whole night here with Suhyun, hoping they'd let us see her but to no avail. But overcoming with worry and despair, we could barely get any sleep. I fully hadn't slept and they had probably gotten about an hour or two of shut eye.

"I got you your favorite to ward off the sleep," he hummed.

He handed me a freshly made espresso, warm to the touch. I hastily took it from him, hoping that it was instantly zap me back to life so I could go another day.

"You really should try to rest...she wouldn't want you agonizing like this," he said softly.

I shook my head, "When she wakes up, she can't think she's alone in this hospital. The last time she woke up in a hospital, I was beside her."

"In a hospital bed. Don't disregard your health and end up beside her. She'll hate you for life if you do that," he warned.

Arin came beside him tiredly. I hadn't seen a lot of her until they us see her because she was off trying to fight every nurse and doctor so she could go in and see Suhyun. But seeing her now, eyes red with exhaustion and tears, I knew she was taking it just as badly as I was. This was her best friend after all.

She weakly smiled, "Are you sure we can't get you anything?"

I shook my head, "I'll be okay. You guys go freshen up and rest. You deserve it for what lies ahead. I'll hold down the fort here."

Arin gently kneeled down in front of me, taking my hands in hers. She leaned in close, giving me a comforting squeeze, "We'll get them. You and Suhyun did the hard part, and we'll finish the job. With all the evidence Suhyun compiled, and all the physical evidence Yoongi provided, these interrogations should be no problem. You just take care of yourself okay? She's going to be fine and when she wakes up, she'll want to see her fine man in front of her."

I nodded, watching in envy as Seokjin and her walked out of the hospital hand-in-hand, relying on the other for support.

Just like Suhyun and I did.

I sighed deeply, slouching back in the chair with the espresso cuddled close to my chest. The world outside was covered in a blanket of pure white snow. The things Suhyun and I could've done was boundless. And yet we were stuck in this hopeless hospital trapped in the ticking time bomb of the oh so fragile life.

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