Chapter 34

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Long chapter full of violence so read at your own warning!!! I had a crazy couple of weeks but I'm here now. If college essays don't get in my way lol :)

I leaned down to the ground with one leg out-stretched and my upper body tucked over it.

There was going to be a lot of dancing at this gala, so I needed to make sure my hips were nice and opened up. Especially if physics combat was going to follow. Plus there's nothing wrong with a little good ol' fashion stretching.

Today was game day. Hoseok and I were running into battle alone and the goal was to get out safe and sound. The members were good at putting up a farce of them not suspecting us, but we knew better. Intuition is a powerful sense.

"Hey, got our clothes," Hoseok said, coming over with two garment bags with formal wear in them.

"We're going formal today..." I sighed.

"'re not going to like what they're having you wear," he remarked.

I pulled the dress out of the bag, raising an eyebrow at what they expected me to wear. A black, long-sleeve, skin-tight dress that was extremely short.

"So much for misogyny. They'll get a kick out of this one for sure," I marveled.

"That's not the shocking part," he muttered, unzipping the bag to reveal the shoes that accompanied the dress.

"PFFT! What is that?" I laughed.

In his hands were black pumps with 8-inch stiletto heels. He dangled them teasingly in-between his fingers as if to mock me.

"Have fun ballerina," he teased as he tossed them to me.

I scoffed, "Oh you think you're funny hmm? Well then, let me show you my incredible skill of adapting. I've had to wear worse for jobs."

I confidently put the heels on, my feet sliding comfortably into the perfect fit. I slightly modified some dance steps, but ultimately was able to still execute ballerina techniques without much problem.

Hoseok rolled his eyes, "Yeah yeah whatever, you're good at everything, moving on."

"Don't hate the player, rookie. Hate the game. Speaking of game...go get changed. Our survival one is about to start," I said, checking the time.

" boring," he huffed.

I sighed, "It's called work. Now get to it."

I turned around while he got changed before I could change into my dress. In the meanwhile, the organization had surprisingly gifted me a makeup set to wear for this performance only. Maybe to look pretty before they tried to kill me or something, but oh well. Feeling drop-dead gorgeous while you take down a large and powerful organized crime syndicate full of entitled men is always an empowering feeling that is meant to be embraced.

Bright red lipstick on my lips, outlined mascara for the eyes, and eye liner to highlight lines. Add a little foundation, concealer, blush, and suddenly I don't look like I've been through immense mental and physical strain for a secret agent mission.

"Your turn pretty girl," Hoseok flirtatiously hummed.

"Wait till I get in the dress to decide," I chuckled.

I slipped into the LBD, marveling at how awkwardly snug it was. A little too fitted to my liking. It was kind of hard to move my arms and the fabric around my hips and waist made mobility very limited.

Taking a once-over of the whole outfit, I quickly understood what the organization was going for in giving it to me.

I was their high-profile threat. I had escaped their grasp last time and dealt a huge blow to their reputation, so they were going to corner me. Whatever schemed they had planned was made so as to ensure my mobility and fighting ability was hindered.

Agent Songbird | j.hs Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt