Chapter 46

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Hoseok POV

When Suhyun asked me to leave her apartment to go with Arin and Seokjin for some heat signature sticker protocol thing, I for a split second thought she was mad at me and wanted me out of the house.

But the frazzled panic on her face was something I had learned to pick up on. Something related to the case was happening and I couldn't be there.

I didn't know the scope of what that something was...but I should've.

The three of us were desperately trying to get a read on her location after the call ended suddenly. Her business number was an untraceable burner phone so we were having trouble pinpointing her location.

Panic was rising in my chest. Her face stricken in pain and betrayal. The way that woman mercilessly had that knife in her.

Why did she have to go alone? All she needed one person with her to even the odds. Someone to watch her back.

Arin was pacing nervously and Seokjin was desperately refreshing the heat signature screen.

The image of her with the knife in her kept flashing across my mind every time I blinked or every time I thought about it. Every second, that horrific image was in my mind. Her beautiful face in haunting pain.

"I got it! She did it!" Seokjin exclaimed, making Arin and I jump back towards him.

The heat signature sticker from her location has activated and highlighted the heat of her body.

"I can't believe she'd use those stupid things instead of bringing someone with her," Arin cursed.

"Okay, Arin I need you to send out a blast to anyone in the bureau with the location. Give them whatever information they need but we need whatever backup we can get. Police and ambulances too. Seokjin, I need you to get a message out that we need the roads cleared so we can get there fast. I'll drive. Grab your guns and let's go," I instructed.

Without giving them time to spare, the three of us headed to my car. They were typing furiously away at their phones to get the respective messages across while I mentally prepared to drive faster than I ever had in my life.

But my body was working seamlessly on its own. She said 'I love you' to me in case she never got the chance to again. And I refused to let that happen. All agents got police sirens for their cars when they started working, so I put it on top and sped out of the parking lot.

Thankfully, the cops had worked fast already, but that didn't change the fact that I was still going to speed through the streets. If it took an hour to get there, I would get us there in hopefully less than a quarter of that. The roads were slippery so I had to be careful, but I had to get to her as soon as possible.

"Hold on," I said, shifting the gear and slamming the accelerator.

We're coming, Suhyun hang on.

Time Skip

By some stroke of fate, we didn't get into a car accident and got there in no time at all.

Much of our fellow agents couldn't believe that the boss would ever do something so heinous and opted out of helping us, but we got a couple of agents to come with us and plenty of police backup.

I cocked my gun, not even waiting to storm in. There cars were still here which meant they were too.

"It says she's upstairs somewhere!" Arin yelled out.

I sprinted upstairs first, ready to shoot the first person I saw.

"Suhyun! Suhyun, where are you?" I desperately called out, knowing full well she wouldn't answer, but hoping.

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