Chapter 11

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I put a finger to my lips to shush Hoseok. I put my ear against the door to listen to the commotion going on outside.

This could be the chance we were looking for to do some snooping.

"The boss wants us all there? But what about the hostages?"

"You really think they can do anything? The girl is helpless and her friend is not any better."

"Ugh fine. I guess you're right."

I smirked, motioning for Hoseok to come over.

"You ready for your first sneak mission?" I asked.

"We're doing one of those?! Like now?!" He almost shrieked.

"Welcome to the job Agent Neuron," I raised an eyebrow.

I pressed my ear back against the door to make sure that they had left. I stayed like that for a while to make sure there weren't any lurking members of the organization.

It seemed the boss had called them all in for a meeting, meaning that the halls would be empty.

I went to our shared closet, grabbing every solid black item in there.

Hoseok confusedly did the same. He was going into this blind, merely following my lead.

But I had luckily done this enough that he wouldn't be alone.

"The camera has a total twenty-four second rotation, and stops for seven seconds on either side with a mid rotation of ten seconds. We had to be quick. In the seven seconds it's on the other side, we have to shut the door, and get as far across as possible. The good news is we have about five seconds before it gets to the mid line, so if we stick to the left wall, we have a total of twelve seconds before the camera catches us," I explained.

He looked like his head would explode, "There's no way that's possible. How do we even get out of here? The door is locked."

I chuckled, "We like to pin our hair up with bobby pins for a reason Agent Neuron."

I took the pin out of my hair, and made quick work of the lock. It was one of the first things Sae taught me how to do. And I still used it as my go-to trick on every mission.

The door clicked open, but I made sure to barely open it a crack. The camera could catch that too if I wasn't careful.

Thankfully, when I looked, the camera was just starting to turn the other way. Meaning Hoseok had an extra five seconds. So a total of seventeen seconds.

"Go. Now. Quickly," I ordered.

He seemed unsure, but he trusted me and quickly moved across the wall, making it to the bathroom area without getting detected.

He was definitely athletic that was for sure. If nothing else, his athletic ability would be more of a help than a hindrance.

I closely watched the camera cycle through the tiny crack, waiting for my turn to go.

Once it started turning back, I slipped out. I had to use those extra five seconds to quietly close the door. And with the remaining twelve, I made a beeline across the floor, also safely making it across.

"That was terrifying," he whispered.

"I know, but you did well. Now we just have to do it one more time. It'll be a little harder this time because we have to enter the room. But it's the same principle. I'll go first so I can use the extra time to open the door, then you come," I directed.

"Okay but it's probably locked. How are you going to do it in time?" He asked.

"I can get there in seven seconds, it'll take one second to tell if it's locked, and if it is and I'm lucky, I'll be able to use the other nine seconds to unlock it," I answered.

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