"Ani." He whispered with a tight-lipped smile printed on his faury-like face and Soobin sighed in relief, nodding his head before removing the blanket from his body and stood up.

"I-i will go to my room then." He stuttered, smiling awkward before walking towards the door.

"Hyung." Kai called making him to halt in his track as he turned around to look at the younger who licked his lips and said. "I helped you clean the mess, so it should be good no need to call the house help." Kai elaborate with a small smile which he was using to mask his emotion.

"Oh arraso. Gamsahanida." Soobin replied, smiling in appreciation before turning around but halt as some scattered fragments of memories began to pop in his head like a movie.

"WHY DO YOU THINK I'M LYING?!" Kai shouted out in frustration.

"Because I saw you kissing him! You were kissing that jerk! That very night!"

"No... We didn't kiss. "

The more the memories were flashing the more Soobin was gaping his mouth and widening his eyes in utter disbelief.

"Does that mean...i would be your first kiss if i kiss you right now?" Soobin softly asked.

"I've loved you for a long time." Soobin whispered and Kai gape in surprise at the sudden confession.

"I-i wanted to be the one barfff-"

"jenjang ! nae ga mueot eul haetneunga?!"

(Damn it! What did I do?!"

He cursed at himself squinting his eyes close in embarrassment before averting his gaze from the door and glanced back at HueningKai who was now sleeping. He waited for a while, studying the boy's face before letting go the doorknob and walk back to the bed.

"Kai." He called but got no response in return.

He inhale deeply and fist his hands, taking a step closer to the bed.

"I know you are not sleeping." He said, knowing fully well the younger was just acting to avoid him.

HueningKai could feel his heart jumping like a clown for being caught red-handed, he sworn he really need to work on his acting skills. His heart was beating so frantically but the next thing soobin did took his breath away. It felt like he dead and resurrected instantly by the older's action.

The older was straddling him against his bed, pressing his lips against his soft cute lips making him to snap his eyes open in surprise as he process what was happening.

Soobin took the younger calmness as a lead to move on and shove his tongue into the younger's mouth, savoring the fervor he gaves.

(Well....that is just damn disgusting, the mouth he uses to vomit! I must be crazy for writing this. Imao)

As soon as HueningKai got a grip he immediately place his hands on the older's chest and started pushing him in other to break the kiss.

"What are you doing?" He asked as Soobin pulled away a bit but immediately lock their lips again.

The both of them began to struggle on the bed, one trying to continue the kiss while the other tries to break the kiss.

"Stop!" Kai voice came out muffled due to Soobin's lips crashing against his.

"Let go of me!" Kai screeched using all his might and remaining energy to kick the older off of him.

Soobin held the bed frame for support to prevent falling off before tilting his head to look at the younger who was now crying as he sat up, staring at him with anger.

KISS IN YOUR HEART (POOKIE)✓✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن