Chapter 4: The Twins, Meeting the Student Council President

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka POV:

"So, your presentation went well."

It's currently 8 PM and we're lounging around our room, communicating about the day's events. It was just noon today that we paid the price for a full explanation and learned about the School System in full, and Kiyone looks slightly giddier than usual. The satisfaction of things going according to plan, I suppose.

"Yeah. The question now is do we move on to Plan 2? With the information about the class competition, there are additional positives and negatives to consider." I reply, and she begins to write a response on my back.

"We need to scout out the other classes, but the question is can we do that effectively and quickly? We need the help of additional people in our class, but will the capable ones trust us enough to go along with it? Will they be fine with it?"

"We can convince them." I communicate, trying to convey certainty.

"We can. But then the question becomes how sharp are the people in classes C-A? We don't have enough time to enact the plan and run a full, detailed reconnaissance." She replies, really just confirming information we both already know.

"The plan itself is difficult to execute. It heavily depends on the other classes and the speaker, and it's impossible to make it safer without decreasing the chance of success." I say.

"Time constraints, huh? Well, we'll have to see how the discussion tomorrow pans out. Either way, good work today." She says, moving her hand off my back and onto my head to ruffle my hair.

"You did good too." I say, gently ruffling her hair much like she's doing to me.

After I finished my explanation, Kiyone worked on the clean-up, breaking down the entire thing to classmates who couldn't follow along while providing additional support, saying things like "we wouldn't want you to make an uninformed decision" and "it's not like we want to confuse you: we're all in the same boat, after all." during her explanation. By coming off as honest with her excellent speaking skills and looks, she was able to sway a few students who were on the fence.

Then, she provided one final push with the thing she's been working on the last two days, during our exploration of the campus: "The Ayanokouji Twins' Guide to Cheap Living in ANHS"

Having looked around the entire campus for Matsuo, we have a decent understanding of a facilities present and the general pricing. Combined with a few trips to the School Website, and Kiyone was able to create the manual (as a text file on her phone) while I worked on the presentation with Horikita.

And finally, after the explanation was bought and the "defective" status of Class D was revealed, Kiyone made her final contribution:


"What? We weren't told about this!" Yukimura cries out.

"Wait, so if we don't graduate from class A, we'll have wasted high school?"

"This is bullshit!"

"What the hell..."

"What do you mean, only class A gets special treatment? Is this even legal? Isn't this fraudulent advertising?"

"Shit, shit..."

With details of the S-system revealed, the class quickly devolves into distress.

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