Chapter 1: The Twins, Starting Their Lives at ANHS

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Chapter 1: The Twins, Starting Their Lives at ANHS

Kiyotaka POV:

We're currently speed-walking through the halls at a speed just bordering on running, rounding each corner as tight as possible whilst dodging any loitering faculty member. It would be an understatement to say we were cutting it close—we were cutting it with micrometers to spare. Or milliseconds, to be more specific.

However, we can make it.

Rounding the last corner, our destination comes into view: the doors to Class D, just around 3 meters away from us. Without needing to check the clock, we know there's only five seconds left before we could reasonably be considered late.

Thus, we put the last leg of our plan into motion.

5—I grip the corner with one hand to sharpen my turn whilst leaning heavily into the wall.

4—With my other hand, using the centrifugal force from the turn, I spin and swing Kiyone like a mace towards the wall.

3—She shoves a foot in between the wall and floor, and at the same time I move my left foot just behind hers to create as much of a brace as possible.

2—Pushing off the best she can, with force remaining from me throwing her, Kiyone leaps just in front of the door.

1—She takes exactly one second to compose her appearance. I'm one second behind.

0—She opens the door and heads in.

Finally, I arrive at the door and follow in, feeling a sliver of fulfilment at the perfectly-executed plan.

Looking around the classroom, I take in every minute detail at once—such is our conditioning— and get a general picture of our class, Class D.

There's many things of note, as is the case with any new environment, but there are two notable positives.

First, the two remaining seats are at the back corner of the room, next to the window. Sitting next to each other at the very back and having access to the window. This is ideal.

Second—though we already knew this—the presence of Koenji Rokusuke, which is always a positive, even if he is a bit far at the middle of the classroom. Though, our classmates would probably see him more like a parasite than a boon.

There are other positives like no murderer present, a visually appealing teacher, etc, but the first two are most significant.

Speaking of the visually appealing teacher, she's looking at us with an expression in between strict, amused and neutral. As for how I got all that from one glance at her... Well, chalk it up to our environment.

That said, for all the professionalism she tries to present, she apparently couldn't afford an outfit her size. I'm getting mixed messages, unless sex appeal is supposed to be a teaching strategy. Could be the case.

"Ah, so the latecomers finally decide to show up. Why don't you two take a seat? You don't want to hold up the class even longer than you have, correct?"

"Pretty sure we're just on time." Kiyone replies, expression settling into a familiar apathy.

"Couldn't afford to be early on your first day of class?"

"Well, did we miss something?" I follow up.

"Your chance to make a good first impression on me." She replies. How cheeky.

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