Chapter 3.1: Nagumo Miyabi, Meeting a Winner

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Nagumo Miyabi POV:

The second day of the school year.

Yesterday, the first-years got their first taste of this school, and would no doubt be excited out of their minds.

100,000 points every month? Score! This School is the best!

And the moment you hear them say something like that, you know they won't go far. If they do, it'll be by the good graces of their more capable classmates. Far from making their own effort, they'll be dragged along.

Isn't that pitiful?

If people were going to fail, let them fail. But because of the current class system, the more capable end up keeping them afloat, and they can't even let themselves fall.

Imagine graduating as part of Class A, going to University, picking an interview time and getting asked this question:

So, how did you contribute to your Class' rise to Class A?

Then, you flounder and have nothing to say: you dodge around the issue, too cowardly to even admit you've been dead weight. Then, you still get in anyway because of the 100% university guarantee, all on the shoulders of someone else.

So unbelievably pathetic.

As of now, the pitiful are just an extra challenge for the capable to manage, a part of the difficulty in rising to or retaining Class A.

Perhaps this is a reflection of the Japanese identity of homogeneity: you're less evaluated by your own merits, but your own merits in relation to others. You're a super-genius who can solve every math problem in existence? Well too bad: if you don't contribute to the class you're good as useless.

Well why should the capable have to prove themselves to a Class? Why do they have to be tied to a Class, instead of being evaluated as an individual?

Why do you have to rise and fall as a Class?

Let the pitiful fail with dignity and let the capable rise without dead weight.

So yeah... why don't I make a Meritocracy in the school?

Let the Losers lose, the Winners win and the Fuckers fuck. Isn't that a great slogan?

I can imagine it now: the University Interviewer looks at me and asks, "so what have you achieved during your time in ANHS?"

"Well, I became Student Council President, reformed the School into a Meritocracy and was personally responsible for our year's record-breaking number of expulsions. Thank you for asking!"

Well, wouldn't that be hilarious.

"And what are you smirking about?"

I wake up from my musings to see Nazuna giving me a sidelong glance.

"Are you daydreaming about Horikita-senpai again? You've been seriously creepy ever since you joined the StuCo, you know?"

"Hey Nazuna, I take offense to that. Besides, that's not what I was thinking about."

"Hmmm...? Well, if it isn't Horikita-senpai, you were probably thinking about the plan? Your whole Meritocracy thing?"

"And what makes you think that?"

The Ayanokouji TwinsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora