Chapter 5 (3/3): The Twins, Justifying an Offer

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka POV:






Intentionally using someone's lacking awareness of a situation to negotiate a disadvantageous contract.

A crime.

A complete betrayal of trust and decency.

"...So, you tricked us?"

"Yes." I give a short pause. "It's undeniable I kept critical information from you with the express purpose of taking your Class Points."

And something I have just committed towards my fellow peers in Class B.

"Wait, hold on!" Says Amikura Mako, turning to the teacher who was supposed to teach English this block, Onizuka Gotou-Sensei. "Sensei, we had no idea about Class Points when signing this contract, so shouldn't that... disqualify it or something?"

"Fraid'not." Replies Sensei. "Even if you guys aren't aware of it, all school systems have been active since admission. This includes the Class Point System, which of course means trades involving CP are valid."

"Then why didn't you tell us from the beginning?!" Asks a student in the back.

Gotou-Sensei looks up at the ceiling for a moment before answering. "Well since you guys got the lowdown I guess I can tell you... This first month was meant to be an opportunity to observe and criticize your behaviour under a complete lack of supervision. To do that, you had to be kept in the dark."

"But Sensei, doesn't this seem a bit unfair? We got scammed out of CP without even knowing of its existence. If we were kept in the dark just to have our behaviour observed, isn't this an unintended consequence?" Asks Kanzaki Ryuji.

"You guys say that as if this was easy to do." Sensei takes out Class B's attendance sheet and waves it around. "CP, as implied by its name, is shared property of the class. To give it away via trade, you need express, majority agreement. That means at least twenty-one of you," He says, running a finger down the list of names, "needed to be convinced."

After tucking away the attendance sheet, he continues. "And to know about CP in the first place, you would have to notice something was off about the school and buy an explanation, something impossible without majority agreement from your own class since it costs CP. In fact, because the explanation costs so much Private Points on top of CP, you would need to convince most, if not all your classmates, to throw away a majority of their funds."

"Notice something's off about the school, convince your entire class, then convince at least half of another class. As an educator of this School, I am giving my honest opinion when I say this is incredibly difficult to accomplish." As he finishes his explanation, he makes a mischievous grin then turns to me. "And from what I hear, you were behind the whole thing, Ayanokouji."

"Me and my sister, yes." I reply. It wouldn't do for them to underestimate Kiyone.

With that, I'm once again the focus of Class B's combined gaze, something which, I'm glad to report, is hardly anything compared to the White Room.

"However, as the Class D representative in front of you right now, and as one of the two students who proposed this plan, I am most definitely and personally responsible for this deception. There is no excuse: it was me."

With that, the floodgates open for some dissatisfied comments.

"...Really aiming for Class A, aren't you?"

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