Chapter 6 (2/3): The Twins, Getting Noticed at Lunchtime

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Kiyone POV:

It's lunchtime and after going through hell and back, we've managed to drag Mr. and Ms. Popular to sit with us.

"So how is it for you two?" I ask the aforementioned popular kids while lining up for the cafeteria. "I'm sure it's tough, being desired by everyone."

"And do you have any idea who you want to group up with?" Asks Kiyotaka.

Hirata gives a little chuckle. "Haha... Right now, it's looking like I'll group up with Karuizawa-san and a few other girls." He replies while making his order.

"As for me, I'm not too sure yet." Replies Kushida. "But if possible, I would like to group with Horikita-san. I want to get along with everyone, but I feel like she doesn't like me very much... So I want to spend more time with her."

"You two are both great academically, so I'm not sure about putting you together..." I say, acting conflicted despite knowing I won't let it happen.

"We'll try and arrange some opportunities for you two to meet, so give up on grouping together for now." replies Kiyotaka. "Also, Hirata, I think it would be better for you to avoid grouping up with those girls."

"Not because they're bad people." Kiyotaka hurriedly adds. "But these study groups are also a good opportunity to expand the class' relationships. With how good both of you are at socializing, we would like you to group up with the more withdrawn people. Those that might have a hard time making groups."

"Karuizawa will be fine even if you don't group with her. Other people won't be." I add. "There are people in class that, we feel, will not participate in anything unless forced to. You two should try and get closer to those people and help expand their social circles."

"Oh, that's a great idea." says Kushida, giving off an angelic smile. "It would be great if everyone in the class could be friends as well."

"...I'll try and talk about it with Karuizawa-san." Replies Hirata.

That response is slightly odd, but I won't chase it for now.

"Speaking of, how confident do you two feel about teaching? Think you can do it?"

"If it's just to the extent of a study group, I think I'll manage. I've taught my friends before, so I can draw on that experience." Replies Hirata, picking up his order of Meal Set A, composed of curry rice and katsu with miso soup and cabbage salad.

Decent presentation, average cafeteria food. I rate it 4/10.

"How about you, Kiyone-chan? How do you feel about your group?" Asks Kushida as she picks up Meal Set C, beef udon with assorted tempura and pickled vegetables.

The tempura colour is slightly faded and the udon noodles are 100% the pre-packaged, store-bought stuff. The broth also looks diluted. 2.5/10.

"If you're worried about the idiots, don't be." I reply as Kiyotaka clears us a way through the mingling students. "I'll make them pass if need be."

Oh, speaking of...

"Give us a second. We'll nab some seats."

By Kiyotakta's gesture, I move with him and nab spots right next to a pair of senpai. They jolt, surprised by our sudden entrance.

"Hello, seniors." I say, nudging up close so that our elbows are almost touching, but not actually touching since that's a little too forward. "Is anyone sitting here?"

"Uh-h. No. No, no one is sitting there." He replies, stumbling over his words. The girl over on Kiyotaka's side has the same reaction, a slight blush apparent on both of them. I wave Hirata and Kushida over.

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