Chapter 2 (2/2) : The Twins, Investigating and Socializing

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Part 2 - | Ayanokouji Kiyone, Socializing |

Whether a morning is good or not depends on the specific combination of positives and negatives.

That was the most redundant sentence ever, but the point is, my morning was both good and bad.

Waking up at 5:30? Bad.

Walk? Pretty good.

Bird? Pretty good.

Breakfast? Great.

Considering all that, it was a pretty good morning. However, if we consider everything...

Away from White Room? Excellent.

No one knows us (except Koenji and chairman)? Excellent.

That man can't reach us?


So, all in all, an excellent morning it was.

I find myself hoping that excellence can extend to the rest of our time at this school, but let's not be overzealous and get through this day first.

It would be great if, looking back, I could call this whole day excellent.

While Kiyotaka is performing the investigation, I'm supposed to socialize and get an idea on our classmates and you better believe I'll socialize. Who cares if I was estranged from the rest of society my entire life?

And so, I find myself feeling expectant for the lunch gathering as I try to not look bored in class. We're currently halfway through our first class for the day and I can feel the constant repetition of long-past subjects numb me, though I guarantee not an ounce of it is showing on my face.

Kiyotaka called for the bathroom-though, it's probably for the investigation-so I have no one to handshake-talk to, compounding my boredom.

By the way, great name, don't you think? Handshake-talk. I'm quite proud of it.

And speaking of great things, a bit after Kiyotaka left a bird-the bird from this morning-came in through the window and landed on his desk. It once again began staring at me with beady eyes, looking... expectant?

Maybe Kiyotaka was right and birds just see us a food source.

Well, if that's the case, I'm glad to oblige my bird overlords. Making sure no one noticed the bird, I sneak a hand into Kiyotaka's bag and reach for a pink case filled with Tamaki rolls. After leaving him one on the desk, I quickly sneak the lunch back.

He pecks away at the food for a bit then scoops out the fish, swallowing it in a few gulps. Then, it picks up the rest with its claws and flies off. Sorry, Kiyotaka's helper. One of your rolls has just been taken by our avian tyrants.

Speaking of, from our reflections on the window I can tell she's staring at me right now. Turning around, I'm met with an incredulous gaze that's half confusion and half disappointment. How rude.

Well, I just wave at her and turn back to face the whiteboard. She's the one who just lost some food, so I'll let it slide.


As Kiyotaka heads off for his investigation, I join Kushida and a lot of our classmates for lunch. There's a decent balance of both genders here, and I do see about half the class. It looks like a successful gathering.

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