Chapter 7 (1/2): Horikita Suzune, Finally getting Lessons from her Mentor

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Kiyotaka POV:

It's been a good day.

The first schoolday of May has passed with little incident, allowing us to lay the foundation for various things. On top of our smooth progress, Kiyone's been a little clingier since meeting Kiryuuin, as evidenced by how she's hugging my arm right now. Combined with the nice weather we have, I can confidently declare that, at this moment, I am satisfied.

But it was too good to be true, and this moment of tranquility is quickly destroyed by an intruder, ironically someone who I asked for myself. Emerging out the door, she makes her way through the roof and in front of us, her long black hair dramatically swaying in the wind.

My sidekick has come for our after-school meeting.

"Isn't your hair heavy?" Asks Kiyone, glancing at Horikita's flowing hair while fiddling around with her own. "So many people seem to have long hair that reach past their hips. You, Karuizawa, Matsushita's almost there... Doesn't that hurt your neck?"

Just as Horkita's about to respond, a strong wind comes by and almost pushes her over, her hair swaying over to one side and affecting her balance. After that wind recedes, another gust comes, this time in the other direction. This time, her hair expands and flutters in the wind, catching stray branches and leaves. By the end of it, Horikita looks like she's been wrestling with a tree.

In an awkward moment, whatever response Horikita had is pulled back as she combs the bits out of her hair. I can almost see an embarrassed blush on her cheek.

"I can cut it short for you if you want. I guarantee I'll be better than most second-rate barbers." Suggests Kiyone. "You could match with me and Kushida."

"My current hairstyle is perfectly fine, thank you. And what makes you think I'd get matching hairstyles with you or Kushida-san?"

"Maybe if you get a different hairstyle, she won't recognize you?" I add flippantly. "If what you've told us about Kushida's past is true, that is."

"Do you doubt me?" She asks, arms crossed.

"So far, this past month, Kushida's shown no behaviour indicative of the kind of incident you described." Adds Kiyone.

After our Class-A plan's success and official recruitment Horikita as my sidekick, she told us about a particularly interesting incident from her middle school. An incident Kushida Kikyou was in the middle of, apparently, where an entire class descended into anarchy.

"If we give Kushida the benefit of the doubt, right now she appears innocent and you appear mistaken." Continues Kiyone. "It could also be she's left that kind of behaviour behind and is trying to start anew."

"However, as my sidekick, I'll take your word." I finally say, making Horikita relax. "We'll continue to keep an eye on her. Just be aware that she's innocent until proven guilty."

"That's perfectly fine." Says Horikita. "As long as you keep up precautions. I assure you, I'm not mistaken about this."

"Perhaps you are mistaken, perhaps you're not. However, if you want my personal opinion, Kushida having a darker side would make a lot of sense."

"Oh?" Horikita tilts her head in a cute gesture of curiosity. "What makes you say that?"

"Don't take this as a claim of Nepotism, but we personally know the Headmaster of this School." Says Kiyone, earning a confused look from Horikita.

"We know a decent bit about the man, his philosophy and his stance on education." I add, the image of Mr. Sakayanagi appearing in my mind. "By comparing the definition of 'defective' with what we know about the headmaster, alongside our classmates, we have a general sense of what the school considers 'defective', if only in theory."

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