Chapter 7

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"So why are you here again?"

My question was rewarded with a typical 'Vasic smirk'. My best friend was leaning against my bedroom doorframe casually, as if he belonged there.

“I represent the guy’s perspective, of course.”

I shot Vasic a look that, ‘the guide and translation of Alara Kinkaid’s expressions’, would have roughly translated into, ‘are you daft?’ That guide actually existed. Vasic had written it when we were in grade six - funny bugger that he was.

“Vas, are you even capable of seeing me in that light? We’ve been best friends for as long as I can remember.”

Vas shot me his famous, cheeky grin – the one that won so many girls over.

“Ari, I’m a teenage guy.”

Hilary laughed aloud at Vasic’s explanation, “the man has a point Alara. Besides, a male opinion will be beneficial. Vasic’s especially. He wouldn’t lie to you.” She said from her place directly in front of my open closet. She’d been staring into the thing for ten minutes now.

I knew that my questioning was due to the nervous feeling that had set up camp in my stomach. Ever since I’d arrived home, I’d felt nervous. Nate would be here to pick me up for our first date in just over two hours.

I leant back against the soft pillows of my bed and observed quietly as Hilary ‘ooed’and ‘ahhed’ over the contents of my closet.

“I just love your clothes, Ari!” Hilary exclaimed as she continued to rifle through my clothing.

A small, sad smile graced my face at her comment. “Mum took me on a massive shopping trip a couple of weeks before she died. She’d said that she was desperate for some ‘girl time’ and wanted to spoil me. We hadn’t seen much of each other that week; she said she’d missed me. We practically revamped my entire closet. Nearly everything in there is new.”

My smile grew, becoming more grateful than sad, “We spent a night ordering the thing. Dad thought we were crazy but mum claimed that she wanted everything ordered. She put the old clothes that I wanted to keep in the chest of drawers and everything new in there. It was a day well spent.”

Thoughtful silence followed my shared recollection.

“Well, you and your mum have excellent taste.” Hilary complimented.  

I smiled, “she sure did.”

“So what’s the plan for Ari’s dress code?” Vasic asked from the doorway.

Hilary turned from staring into my closet to look over to Vasic. “First, you need to leave so that I can prepare her and then you can see the finished look.” Hilary was in her ‘task-at-hand-mode’, meaning that anyone in between her and her end goal should run for cover.

Vasic made no move to leave, instead – with his hands raised in defense – he approached me. Once he reached the bed, he lowered one hand to take my own into his and stage-whispered jokingly, “Good luck with Sergeant Clothing over there.”

I laughed at my best friend’s comment and laughed harder when he grunted due to a heavy shoe making contact with his butt.

Vasic turned to glare playfully at Hilary, who was the picture of innocence. Vas was rubbing his arse just as Hilary said, “I heard that.” It was impossible to miss the laughter she was holding back and I smiled at my two friends.

Vas grinned before turning to me, “I’ll either be raiding the fridge or playing the Xbox. Depending on how long you two take.”

“It’s whatever.” I said to him before he walked out.

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