45 - Show

211 15 4

Question: Who left the twinkie with the prisoner?

Answer: nobody knows.

Question: Is it me, or are heroes very disorganized? I don't feel very safe if that's the case...

Answer: they're a little confused, but they got the spirit. Too bad they only got the spirit. Also, their convention was just raided, too, so..yeah..

Question: When is this gonna get updated again?

Answer: Now. Sorry about the wait; I've been working on my new project a lot, but I'll talk about that after the chapter. I also started school, so, yeah..

Comments are welcome and appreciated! 

Please enjoy!




It had been a year since Dusty's papa had been kidnapped. Nothing very interesting had happened during the year, but it hadn't been too bad, I supposed. Today was the first day of this year's villain conference, and we had just arrived. I was promptly placed with Umbra and Dusty, and I hugged them both.

"Hey, Dusty, Umbra." I greeted.

"Hi, Glitch!" Dusty grinned.

"Hello, Glitch.." Umbra sighed. 

"Is something wrong?" I hoped Umbra's brother hadn't been crueler lately..

Umbra mumbled something into my chest.

"I can't hear you." I stated, hugging him tighter.

"It's stupid.." Umbra frowned.

"I'm sure it isn't."

"..He's signing me up.." Umbra groaned, burying his face in his hands.

"Signing you up? Am I..missing something, here?"

"There's a pet show this year." Dusty shrugged. "Papa says it won't be bad, but Umbra thinks it will be, and I don't know who's right."

"Oh.." I sighed, comforting Umbra. "So, how's your year been, Dusty?"

"Oh, it's been great!" Dusty giggled. "Papa let me go back to school, and he lets me stay out later, and he's been so nice!"

"..Really?" I asked. 

"Yep!" Dusty nodded. 

"Well, that's nice to hear." 

"A what?" Nightmare grabbed our attention.

"A pet show!" Umbra's brother chuckled. 

"How would that even work? They'll do whatever they're told."

"Well, some of them know tricks! I've been training mine for a few months, and he's been improving weekly!"

"Is there a prize?"

"First, second, and third place get prizes, and they're pretty cool!"

"..Is it too late to enter?"

"No, you can enter until it starts - it starts in three days, by the way."

"Hm..boys, do you want to enter?" Nightmare received four nods; that was bad.

"I refuse!" I crossed my arms and glared. 

"Then I suppose we'll have to."

I groaned.

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