44 - Redemption

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I woke up in a cell - a different cell. This one had metal bars on one side with a metal-barred door, with every other wall being concrete, or something very similar. I sat up, first noticing that I had energy now (that felt better than I would have ever admitted), and second, I noticed that my bones had been healed, strings removed. I must have been out for a while. I looked around, finding that I was lying on a mattress in the corner of the cell, which constituted the only furniture available; it was still better than the other one. I looked outof the cell, finding other cells that looked similar to my own, and I came to a realization: I was in a prison. Well..this was better than the other place. Surprisingly, after only two minutes of being awake, someone came to see me: a Dream, but this Dream was still not Lumen.

"Hello." He greeted, smiling.

"..Hello." I decided that I would be somewhat kind (for a while, at least), since these people did rescue me..I wasn't devoid of manners.

"I guess you're probably wondering about why you're in a prison cell."

"I'm a villain." I replied blankly. "You're undoubtedly a hero. Just because I was trapped and tortured doesn't change who I am; you just did what any hero would do. I'm not surprised."

"Oh..that makes things a bit easier, then!" He chuckled a little.

"So..as much as I love awkward conversation, can we just get to the point? I'm not mentally scarred, and although I doubt I'll be associating with many Errors in the near future, I don't need a pep talk or psychological help. Just tell me what you plan on doing with me; it'll make this easier on everyone involved."

"..Okay." The Dream nodded. "Well, we keep files on every known villain, and, um..you've made yourself rather known; you've had several enemies in the past."

"Your point?"

"We know a lot about you." The Dream admitted. "We know about your empire, your multiversal dealings, and your son."

"Don't involve him in this." I glared.

"We aren't going to!" The Dream quickly assured. "The point..is that we may know a little more than we should.."

"..." I didn't like where this was going.

"You've taken part in several of the major omniversal conflicts within the past decade or so, as well as several smaller ones..you may remember the Error who kidnapped a lot of people, for one, as well as the recent raid on our convention.." The Dream paused, before continuing. "Well, those events, among a few others, prompted our researchers to do a bit of studying, since you seemed to be in so many places..and we've managed to piece together your entire..life?"

"..What." I..what?!

"I really don't know how to put this any other way..we know about your, um, demon."

I glared firmly. "You have no right."

"That doesn't change anything." The Dream shook his skull. "We want to help you..and we're not going to take no for an answer."

"Wow." I scoffed. "And here I thought heroes were supposed to be nice, and friendly, and considerate! But I guess I'm wrong! Heroes are just as bad as everyone else! They just get their little fancy capes and prance around pretending to care! Maybe I like being possessed! Have you ever thought of that?!"

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