"Yes, but you are still a teen nonetheless. Being an adult doesn't mean you should all of a sudden be getting less sleep. It's important for you to be getting at least—"

"Okay okay, I'm going back." Omega raised her hand. "Good night everyone." She quickly went around giving each member a hug before leaving the parlor.

Hunter sighed. She wasn't the same little kid he had met eight years ago back on Kamino. Time flew by. He guessed he was lucky that she still was set on spending her life with them and their fight against the Empire. She was part of the reason that they had joined the rebellion five years back.

"She's getting old," Echo commented, almost as if reading Hunter's mind.

"Yeah," Hunter agreed. "So are we." He laughed.

"Ha! Especially Crosshair." Wrecker slapped the sniper on the back. "Just look at his hair!"

Crosshair sent him a murderous glare. "My hair has always been this color, di'kut!"

"Yeah, but it still makes you look old." Wrecker joked only making him angrier.

"If anyone, it's Hunter that looks the oldest. He's getting gray hairs," Tech chimed in, pointing at the Sergeant's few non-brown strands of hair.

"At least my hairline isn't receding more than it already was," he fired back towards the technician who took great offense to the comment.

"And this is why being bald is an advantage," Echo said, holding his hand up to Wrecker who gladly high-fived him.

"You got that right!"

Suddenly the parlor door opened again. Clone Force 99 stopped their bickering.

"Omega?" Hunter called. He assumed she probably forgot something. The footsteps were small, but not small enough to be hers. "Who's there!?" He shouted, setting a hand on his blaster.

"Um, hi, it's uh, Aurinko," a timid voice called back. The blue Twi'lek emerged from the small hallway.

"Oh, um, hey kid. Omega went back to our ship already if you were looking for her." Hunter looked at the boy who was showing all signs of nervousness.

"I'm actually not looking for her," Aurinko said timidly, standing up straighter.

Hunter was now suspicious. "What brings you here then?"

Aurinko looked around at each of Omega's brothers. Sure he had met them before, but Omega was always present with him. Alone, they were much more intimidating.

"I came here to ask you something." He looked at Hunter. "Well, all of you," he corrected himself.

"Well, spit it out," Crosshair snapped, causing the boy to flinch.

Echo shook his head at the sniper. He turned his head, giving Aurinko a soft smile. "What is it?"

Aurinko cleared his throat. It was now or never. The worst they could say was no. He took a deep breath. "I wanted to ask for all of your blessings. I love Omega with all my heart and I want to marry her someday."

Hunter, for a brief second forgot how to breathe. The words the boy had said took a minute to fully register with him. Marry. As in wedding marriage. His little girl?

"I understand if you don't approve, but I want you to know that I came here out of respect. I know how much Omega values each and every one of you and I just wanted to let you know my intentions. I love her more than life itself. I would do anything for her if she said the word."

Wrecker was the first one to break the silence with a sniffle. "That was so...beautiful." He wiped away a tear, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy. "You have my blessing. I think you're perfect for Omega," he said, putting him back down.

Tech nodded, smiling. "I second that. You make Omega very happy. I can count all the times that Omega has talked about you highly. Around 5,767 to be exact."

Aurinko blushed. He didn't know that Omega talked about him that much. "Thank you, Tech, Wrecker." He looked at the other three, waiting for their reply.

"You have my blessing," Echo said, a smile growing. He had been around for a while and if there was one thing he knew, it was how to read a person and Aurinko was definitely one of the few pure ones. Omega was fortunate enough to have him in her life. Out of everyone in the galaxy, they chose each other. If that wasn't a sign then he didn't know what was. Echo nudged Hunter, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Aurinko held his breath as he eagerly waited to see what the Sergeant had to say. Omega had told him that Hunter was the closest person she had to a father. Even though he valued all of their responses, Hunter's was the one he needed the most.

Hunter looked at Aurinko. This was the boy that Omega was crazy over. The one she loved and he loved her back. How could he say no to that? As much as he wanted to keep her young forever, he knew he would have to eventually let go. She wasn't a kid anymore. This was part of life. He wouldn't be around forever and Omega would need someone to love after they were gone. Aurinko was that person.

"You..You have my blessing, Aurinko. I know you'll be good to her." Hunter saw the tenseness in him relax.

"Thank you, sir. I will."

All eyes landed on the last person who hadn't answered.

"Crosshair?" Echo asked.

Crosshair glared at the boy. His first thought was that Omega could do a lot better than this scrawny kid, but after hearing how passionate he was about her, he guessed it seemed okay. He still wasn't too fond of him, but out of everyone in the rebellion, at least the kid was a good sniper.

"Fine," Crosshair said. "But if you hurt her in any way, shape or form." He made a finger gun, pressing it to Aurinko's chest.

Aurinko gulped, nodding viciously. "Noted."

"Crosshair!" Tech shouted, pushing him away.

Hunter laughed, walking over to Aurinko, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Welcome to the family, kid." 

Hey y'all. Sorry for not updating. The last two weeks for me have been really busy. Thanks so much to SoUncivilized05 for the idea. I lovedddddd writing this one so much❤ Hope everyone has a great Monday!

Also, ya girl ran out of ideas, so if you have any requests feel free to drop 'em!

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