"And next time I call you, pick up the goddamn phone." Then he heads out the door.

I just grip the golf club tightly before launching it at the wall.

"Gahhhhh- fucking dammit it all!" I growl. "I fucking hate Trina. I fucking hate her with every inch of my soul."

And my father! Oh man he's gonna fucking get his.

"S-sir" Yvonne sticks her head in my door before shock covers her face at the mess I made.

"WHAT Yvonne?" I question angrily

She walks up to me then slowly embraces me. "I'm sorry for what Trina has done to you sir. I would never do this to you. And I feel it's time she reaps what she has sowed. And in the meantime I can begin putting out applications for CFO."

I allow her to embrace me and agree
"You're right."

"So you won't do the same thing huh?" I then question her.

"Never sir." She says confidently

"And you'd do anything I say no questions asked?" I continue

"Anything sir." She gazed into my eyes.

"I will remember that." I look back at her. "I need you on my team." I say to her knowing what type of affect my words have on her.

"And I am here sir." She looks at me standing on her tiptoes and planting a wet kiss on my lips.

I allow the kiss and I allow myself to kiss her back. I will use anybody I can or take anyone out that gets in the way.
Trina has got to go down.

I pull away from the kiss and look at Yvonne. "You ordered new stuff for my office, correct?"

"Yes sir I ordered new everything from your desk, to the pots and plants." She says glancing around me at the horrible mess.

"Call in for a carpenter to come in and fix the walls and put down new carpet in here as well. And painters to repaint."

"Yes sir." She says as she walks out opening the door and Mark walks in.

Fucking great!

"Man WHAT THE FUCK!!?" He looks around my office at the destroyed mess.

"Bro I had a moment of weakness alright?" I squeeze the bridge of my nose and lean against the wall.

"Look man I didn't come here to lecture you. I came here to tell you that I'd be stepping in more and helping with the business. My father's business is doing better so I'm not needed too much right now." He looks around in disbelief.

"Man I don't need fucking help." I say

"Yes the fuck you do man. Look at your office, look at your head man, look at your decision making." He retorts

So much for not coming to lecture me.

"Man I just want to see you succeed that's all."

"I know man."

"Like Trina is pretty, and good at what she did and all. But she was not the end of the world... bro i don't know..." he grips the bridge of his nose for a second before deep breathing.

"Look man I'm fucking pissed okay. I went from loving Trina to fucking hating her in a matter of days. I want to see her suffer. But instead I'm the one suffering." I confess.

"That's not the way to go about it man." He says to me putting his hand on my shoulder. "I just want your success bro. Let's get this shit cleaned up with less as possible of employees knowing." He sticks his head out and tells Yvonne to call in three janitors.

"You're the face and the head of the company if everyone sees you falling apart they will also." Mark states.

"Yvonne when the three janitors come in get their names and employees iDs. I'll give them bonus check for doing this but if word gets out about this... ANYWHERE; them three are out of a job. Specify that part specifically to them." Mark emphasizes the last part before coming back to me.

Maybe Father was right maybe Mark or my cousin Aaron would be better. Even though father would never make Mark CEO because Mark isn't family and he's black.

Yeah you thought I was the bad guy huh? I just come from a line of bad guys. My father is the true scum.

A/N* NO GUYS Jonathan's not a narcissist. He knows what he's doing and has karma! 🫣 (maybe I'm just a big Jonathan fan🙇🏾‍♀️)

Have you noticed narcissist never have karma cause they believe in themselves so much and and believe that they are so much higher then others. It's literally a mindset. Lots of them don't even know they're being narcissist because in their mind it's always going to be about them and be their way. 😈😈

Anyways don't forget to upvote⭐️, comment💬, and share 🗣.

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