One BEEG Omake pt1

Start from the beginning

And Nero, taking from his uncle.

Nero: Gee, I wonder where you got that idea?

Fumiko paused, making Nero break out in a cold sweat. But sighed in relief when Fumiko only giggled.

Fumiko: It's the Hair.

That made Nero smirk at her. After all, one would pick up a thing or two, from Ryoko's shenanigans and Ciel's comebacks.

Meanwhile, Vergil now is embracing a smiling, six months pregnant Sasha.

Vergil: I suppose you're getting used to having to carry our child?

Sasha: Oh please, this is child's play compared to your attitude back then.

That made Vergil look away from her. Only for her to pull his face back for a kiss.

Sasha: But I wouldn't have it any other way, my dear.

Vergil: Then I suppose, you wouldn't mind having to deal with my Son?

Sasha raised a brow, before spotting Nero having a conversation with Fumiko.

Sasha: If he's anything like you? I can handle him.

Vergil smirked, somewhat unnerving Sasha.

Vergil: Then by all means, go ahead.

Sasha rolled her eyes playfully, before moving in to greet Nero. And replacing her spot, came Wilmarina. Who stayed Human alongside Sasha, just for the reason that Sasha won't feel alone in their little love pile.

Normally, Wilmarina would greet with a bow. But her large stomach prevented her from doing so easily. She is after all, eight and half months pregnant.

Vergil: Has the little one been restless lately?

Wilmarina nodded.

Wilmarina: Our child has started to kick a lot more than before. Which hampered some of my activities at random intervals.

Without warning, Vergil embraced Wilmarina and gave her a kiss. Much to the slight surprise of Wilmarina.

Vergil: No need to be so formal with me Mary. You have long since earned your place next to me, and everyone else.

Wilmarina blushed.

Wilmarina: Sorry, force of habit. After all, Teacher was ruthless.

That made Vergil smile softly and guiltily.

However, before Vergil could send Wilmarina to meet Nero. Druella came up next to Wilmarina and greeted Vergil.

Druella: Welcome home, my love.

Over the few years that Vergil has stayed with them. Druella has changed the most.

From an overly sexual individual aka a slut, to a blushing school girl, to a copy of Lilith. Safe to say, that it was comparable to a rollercoaster.

All the while, being similarly pregnant to Wilmarina. After all, the two are almost like sisters now. And thus, with a little bit of pushing from Lilith. The two mustered up their courage to have intercourse with Vergil, at the same time.

Vergil: Yes, I am home.

Druella then came closer for a kiss, which Vergil didn't shy away from and accepted her lips, to his.

Vergil: Has your pregnancy been well?

Yes, while he was only gone for a day. That doesn't mean he won't ask them if they're ok.

Druella: No worries, as how Wilmarina stated earlier. The random kicks did hamper some activities, but nonetheless. She is Healthy.

Vergil nodded.

Druella: And for Wilmarina, both boys are growing healthily. And Sasha's girl is also growing healthy.

Vergil was about to say something but paused, which in turn. Made Druella smirk slyly at him.

Druella: But when are you going to give Ciel and the rest a child?

Vergil raised a brow, but nonetheless gave an answer.

Vergil: Once after Kaga, Akagi and I finish out honeymoon.

Druella nodded, completely forgetting about the fact that the Twins made their move first before Ciel and the others did.

Vergil: But then again, Deonora did say she wanted her turn.

Said woman immediately appeared next to Druella.

Deonora: Now?

Vergil: Soon.

Deonora sulked, but a hand to her head lightened her up.

Vergil: Soon after you set prepare the Arena, after all. It has been a while since I last fought with my son.

That immediately garnered Nero's attention.

Nero: Oh? So you want to get your ass handed to you again, old man?

Vergil faced him, clearly amused at his son's attitude.

Vergil: You won't be so lucky to have Dante weaken me like the first time.

Nero smirked, clearly excited to have a go at his father.

Deonora: Very well, I'll immediately send out the cleaners to prepare the Arena. And it is a pleasure to meet you, Nero.

She gave a curtsy to Nero, who returned it with a slight bow.

Vergil: Good, while that is happening. Why don't you all get to know my son?

And that, made Nero understand why both Dante and Vergil warning him.

Apologies for the delay everyone. I got lost in the crossroads of life, and a large hole appeared on my path chosen. That means, I'm cutting this Omake in Half. So I'll be posting the other half as soon as this hole is filled. Hope you peeps have a good day/night! SOUL out!

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