Chapter 35

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35| Nawal

It wasn't dinner time just yet so we all sat in the living room, talking about things here and there. I was sitting next to Ahad with my hand in his as he rubbed it back and forth, all the while paying attention to my father who was talking to him. Out of respect for my family, I kept some distance between Ahad and I as we sat together.

"Can I get you something, beta?" Mama asked him and he politely shook his head and smiled. "I've already eaten."

They continued talking but a light pit-pat sound from outside distracted me. I got up and pulled the curtains open and saw raindrops on the window, making me squeal in happiness.

"It's raining!" I announced and ran out through the back door to go to the backyard of the house. It wasn't very fast just yet so I held my hand and watched as raindrops fell on it.

"Are you planning to shower in the rain?" Ahad asked in a small voice to not disturb the peace of the moment. He stood behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders causing me to turn around and look at him.

"Come on!" I took his hand in my good one and dragged him into the center of the yard and looked up towards the sky with my eyes closed.

"You'll catch a cold if you continue soaking like this." He reprimanded but his face still held a smile as he looked at me spinning around under the water. He was wearing a dark turquoise shirt and black pants but I had totally forgotten that my outfit was a much lighter color so the water soaked through and made my shirt, which was much thinner than my trousers, see-through.

"Allah, Nawal!" He put a hand to his forehead making me laugh before he wrapped his arms completely around me and engulfed me in a hug even if we both were wet right now.

"I'll get you a towel, okay? Stay here." He released me but guided me to sit on one of the plastic chairs placed in the far corner of the yard as I hugged myself. The chair was under the shade of the house so I could watch the rain without drenching in it. It was a grassy land so I inhaled the smell of petrichor, calming my senses.

A few moments later, Ahad came out with my big pink towel, careful to not get into the rain much and put the towel around my shoulders, covering me and then leading me back into the house where I could smell pakoray and chai. One thing my mother knew was how to set a vibe.

"Both of you go change now before you fall sick. Ahad, you can wear something of Rauf until you're here." My husband and brother had similar built so I went into my brother's room and pulled out a simple tee and sweatshirt before taking us both to our room.

"If you want, you can shower. I've already showered so I'll just dry up and change." I hugged the towel closer to my body and looked through my closet to wear something suitable. I had a dark purple top that reached past my thighs and had a belt that tied in the middle so I decided to ditch the belt and just wear the shirt with some black tights. It also had buttons that ran down its entire length so it was easy for me to put it on, given the condition of my arm.

Ever since the night we consummated our marriage for the first time, Ahad had started to get more comfortable around me. He'd partially dress up in the washroom and then put on a shirt inside the room even if I was there and sleep shirtless at times too. So, now when he came out wearing only the trousers as he rubbed the towel over his hair, drying them, I softly bit my lip as I raked my eyes over his form. He was my husband so there was nothing wrong with me checking him out and when he saw my reaction, he chuckled before coming over and giving me a quick one-arm hug then pulling his shirt over his body.

"Let's go, everyone must be waiting." He was going to leave but I held him back by his arm.

"My bandage is drenched. You'll have to change it." I shamelessly ordered before plopping down on the bed as he obediently got a new bandage and sat next to me. He held my arm up in a feather-light grip and undid the bandage with the other hand. My arm was a little swollen above the wrist because of the fracture and there was a cream I was supposed to apply at least once a day since my mother hadn't applied it when she changed my bandage, I gave the cream to Ahad. He scooped up some and rubbed it over the swollen area, making me wince in pain. The area was much more sensitive when it wasn't wrapped. He muttered a small 'sorry' giving me an apologetic smile the continued his work.

"Sometimes I wish you weren't so selfless. We wouldn't be here then." He said and briefly glanced up at me before concentrating on wrapping the bandage correctly.

"You know that if it wasn't me who would have fallen, it would have been Zoha Appi. Anything could have happened to her and her baby and it would be much worse than what happened to me. I don't regret it." He hummed in understanding and then walked us both downstairs where mama had made dinner and the snacks from earlier.

"How long did the doctor say your arm would take to heal?" Rauf bhai asked and Ahad smoothly replied, "Five to eight weeks. Don't worry, she'll be fine till your wedding."

"Yes bhai, I'll organize a great wedding for you." I teased him and he smiled at me.

"It's good that you'll be well till then so you can enjoy the wedding functions to your best and I will need the help of course." Mama thoughtfully said and I nodded. "And, Ahad, you can take her home with you in the morning. Stay the night here." She offered with a loving smile causing me to look at Ahad hopefully, urging him to stay over.

"If you insist, I won't mind." He gave her a polite smile and then turned to my overjoyed self. I mouthed a 'thank you at him and continued eating as well as I could.

We all sat down on the sofas with our cups of tea as mama took out her small notebook, making a list of everything that needed to be done for bhai's wedding and we all occasionally put our input, reminding her of things she might be forgetting. I had been sitting down for a long time, causing my back to cramp and ache again. My entire body was extremely sore but my back ached separately.

"I'd like to go to bed now. My back's hurting again." I said with a frown and took my cup to the kitchen and headed upstairs to my room. Instead of laying down on my back, I laid down on the side of my good arm and stretched my back a little before trying to sleep.

Just a few minutes later, the door opened and shut again. There was the sound of shuffling behind me as my back was to the door but I didn't turn around to look, rather, I didn't have the energy to turn around and look. I snuggled deeper into my pillows and blanket, in hopes of finding some comfort but to no avail. The bed behind me dipped and I was sure it was my husband. The thought made me smile a little.

"Are you asleep, jaan?" He softly whispered next to my ear as my eyes were closed and slightly shook my head, enough for him to get the answer. "Does it hurt too much?" He pressed a hand to my back, gently massaging it. Just the feel almost made me moan out but I held it in.

"Not much but if you can, please keep massaging my back. It feels good." After I encouraged, he pressed onto my back a little harder to relieve the pain more and I flipped onto my stomach so it would be easier for him. I was so comfortable that I felt myself falling asleep, faintly remembering him turning me to my side again and laying down behind me. His bare front was pressed to my back under the covers and his arm was thrown over my stomach as I held onto him and slept.

(A.N): Please vote and comment <3

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