Chapter 7

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7| Ahad

When my in-laws left after breakfast, it was nearly 11:30 and I thought of getting some work done. The hotels weren't going to run themselves, after all, but mom seemed to be able to read my mind as she glared at me when I tried to sneak away into my room that I now shared with Nawal.

So, now I was sitting with my wife while dad announced that Asiya phupho called and told him that she was going to visit today and I internally groaned. Mom had told me that a lot of relatives would want to meet the newly wed couple so we'd be booked for next few weeks. My direct family was very open-minded and different from typical Pakistani families and Nawal and I were lucky to have great in-laws but she would surely want to run away if she spent more than a hour alone with my phupho. Asiya phupho was, what you call, 'desi aunties' that had nothing to do other than stick their nose is someone else's business. She was certainly going to sit and interview Nawal today then sit and interview us together as a couple and ask us questions that not she nor anyone else had business of knowing except me and my wife. She was just like that. Oh, how I wish I could just go back to my house now. One of the major reasons I had gotten a separate house was because I was sick of my good-for-nothing relatives bothering me and my work and that's why no one other than my direct family was allowed inside my house.

Asiya phupho had two children, a son and a daughter. Her son, Zahid, lived separately with his family of a wife and three kids while her daughter, Yashma, lived in London with her husband and how many ever children she had, I did not care enough to know.

Soon, around lunch time, the bell rang and I prayed to Allah for my safety from my father's sister. My father did not like his sister much either but he couldn't just cut her off like that so he allowed her to visit. My phupho came in and greeted everyone and Zoha took her the guest drawing room that we didn't use much. That room happened to be the only room in the house that was up to my phupho's standards though she lived in a house smaller than ours. Us, being the newly weds, were left alone with her in that room where she checked Nawal out from head-to-toe, probably checking if she was 'good enough' for me or not. I could feel Nawal getting uneasy under her scrutinizing gaze and I cleared my throat and sparked conversation.

"How have you been, phupho?" I politely asked, making sure my distaste wasn't apparent in my voice.

"I've been great, Alhamdulillah, but you got married? I complained to your father too that he didn't even inform me beforehand about your marriage and I only got to know when your invitation card was sent home. I expected, at least, you to tell me, beta." She looked down with a frown on her face and I almost rolled my eyes.

I wrapped my arm around Nawal's shoulder and pulled her closer. "You see, phupho, Nawal is the daughter of a dear friend of dad so they just talked and, well, the next thing I knew, we were engaged." I smiled at her.

"Is that so?" She looked at Nawal and Nawal nodded.

"So, how has everything been going for you both?" She asked Nawal but she looked confused as to what my phupho was even asking.

"It's been going well and smoothly." My wife respectfully answered.

Asiya phupho's personal questions were going to start now and I looked for an escape. Thankfully, Rumaisa came and called us for lunch and I practically hopped to the dining table out of pure joy.

Mom had cooked chicken pulao and aloo qeema for lunch. Phupho took the first bite of the rice and commented on how oily the food was though it seemed perfectly fine to everyone else and mom had learned to not care much about her remarks because she would never truly be satisfied. We had learnt that the hard way.


Later in the day, phupho left and it was time to start getting ready for our Walima. Nawal had asked me to drop her to the salon and I complied. She had prepared a bag with her dress and accessories for tonight and told me an exact time that I should pick her up from the salon.

After dropping her off, I quickly got back home and got ready. My clothes for today were a three-piece blue-grey suit that matched with Nawal's dress. My dress shirt was white and my tie was a darker shade of the same color as the rest of the suit. I gelled my hair back and away from my face but left a few strands hanging down to rest on my forehead.

Sameer bhai had stayed overnight with Zoha as it was too late to leave and everyone was tired, too. He came into my room and patted my back for reassurance. He had always acted like an older brother to me and I was happy to finally be babied by someone other than my parents. Looking at Sameer bhai now, I thought if my marriage with Nawal could ever be like my sister's marriage. Zoha and Sameer bhai had been colleagues and I think Zoha had a crush on him too but one day, Sameer bhai came over to our house with his parents and asked for Zoha's hand in marriage. Their marriage was of love but mine is arranged, it would never be the same.

"As an older brother, it's my responsibility to guide you though I have no doubt that you already know this. You're married now and Nawal bhabhi is your other half, your better half. Always treat her with respect, kindness, and love. Don't lie to her about anything or don't hide anything from her if you don't want her to do that. Even if the truth might cause an argument, it is better than lying, okay?" Sameer bhai advised and I nodded with a smile.

He checked the time on his watch and said, "You should go and pick your wife up from the salon now, we'll meet you both in the hall, alright?"

"Yeah, I'll get going now. Allah hafiz." I ran downstairs to my car that was still decorated with the flowers and drove to the salon which was at least fifteen minutes away. Traffic was a little heavy right now so I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel. She would be waiting for me.

When I reached, I shot her a text to come outside and in less than two minutes she came out, looking like a princess. Her dress was of a blue-grey color with silver embroidery all over it. The skirt of the dress split into two sides from below the waist to the edge at the bottom and the inside was lined with a plain cloth with very light embellishments. Unlike yesterday, her hair were down and curled softly from the end and her dupatta was pinned to her shoulder from one side and draped over her arm from the other instead of being placed on her head. Most of her jewelry was silver except the pendant necklace I had given her last night that rested beautifully on her neck.

I walked over to her and held both her hands as I looked at her from head to toe. She was a really beautiful woman. "Masha Allah, you look very pretty, Nawal."

She smiled at me. "You don't look too bad yourself." I chuckled.

I held one of her hands and led her into the car, delicately tucked her dress inside, and drove off. Our bag for the night was in the trunk of the car since we had to stay at my in-laws' place for the night, as a tradition.

Nawal was tracing the henna in the palm of her hand when I noticed my name written on her hand. "You got my name written?"

"Yeah... The girls who were applying henna on my hands asked my groom's name and they wrote it on my hand when I told them." She didn't look up from her hands but I could see her cheeks reddening, even underneath her make up. I chuckled, my wife was quite adorable.

(A.N): Share your thoughts in the comments and please vote if you liked the chapter <3

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