Chapter 13

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13| Nawal

We had reached Islamabad in the afternoon and instantly checked into one of the rooms in Ahad's hotel there. Ahad had asked me to take out his suit for today so I did that while he showered, washing off all the fatigue from driving for that long. After Ahad left for his work, I had a nice long shower under the hot water setting. The hotel was great, and I did not doubt that it would be, but I didn't understand what could cause someone to file a lawsuit against Ahad when all the branches were very convenient. Deciding not to let that bother me for long, I called Sarah. We hadn't talked in a while and she understood because I was a newlywed woman. We had gone days without talking after her wedding too. I called her and she immediately changed it into a video call.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" She groaned but excitedly smiled at me. No one could match her energy sometimes.

"No greetings, Mrs Faisal?" I knew the girl was crazily in love so whenever had to tease her, I called her Mrs Faisal and she always blushed.

"God, you need to stop teasing me! But at least I've got something to tease you with now, Mrs Ahad." She sneakily smiled and I held back the urge to blush, I would not be giving her the satisfaction. "Anyway, how is the married life treating you?" She asked seriously.

"Everything's been going great so far except for a few days in between where I basically didn't see my husband at all! He left too early for work and came back too late." I frowned.

"Oh no, babes, don't worry though. I'm sure it was just work." She reassured.

"No, I didn't doubt him for a second but I did wish I'd see him more."

"Well, is he at work right now, too? Faisal isn't home either so I thought we could meet. It would cheer you up and I had to talk to you about something too." She looked away shyly and I sort of had an idea on what she might be implying but I didn't let it show and ruin her moment.

"I can't meet you right now, Sarah. I'm in Islamabad actually. Ahad had work to do so we decided to come together like a little, you know... honeymoon." I bit my lip as she squealed, freaking squealed!

"Oh my God! Finally! Will I soon get mini yous around? I can't wait to be a khala!" The girl thought too far, I swear.

*khala: mother's sister

"Chill out, we haven't even kissed yet and I don't think I want children now. I'm not even sure if I love Ahad yet though I am getting there. Can't say anything about him." I rubbed the back of my neck as she smirked.

"Okay, okay. I get it. But, Nawal, I think I might be pregnant... I've got really bad morning sickness for the past few days and Faisal has helped me throughout but the guy is so clueless that sometimes I can't believe he's a doctor. And my mother-in-law has been bugging me about it too because it has been more than a year since our marriage. This will shut her up. I'm actually excited, to be honest. Faisal and I love each other so I can't wait to start a family with him." She ranted everything and I watched her with a small smile on my face. I thought if I'd ever feel the same things as she does and I was truly very happy for her.

"Sarah, I'm so happy for you! Tell me once it's confirmed, okay? I can wait because I know you'd want to tell Faisal bhai first but I must be second, alright?"

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