Chapter 44

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44| Ahad

What have I done? What have I done? What have I done?!

Once I opened the door to the house, I had no time to even blink before Yashma threw herself at me, causing me to freeze in place. After that, anything she said, anything else that happened and my surroundings failed to register in my head. I only snapped out of it once I heard the sound of a door shutting close somewhere in the house. I hastily separated Yashma from myself and without another word, ran upstairs to my room where Nawal, my wife, was standing looking absolutely distraught, because of me. Why did that girl even come back? I had already understood and accepted her truth of being nothing more than a selfish person who could step over anyone for her own desires, but she had, unfortunately, been my first love and she managed to ruin my life all over again.

Just looking at Nawal and how the situation and I would be in her mind right now made me cry out in agony. Anything I said now wouldn't matter to her. Another woman I loved would be taken away from me and this time I was the only to be blamed. The moment she walked out of the door, it was like she walked over my heart instead and I fell on my knees on the floor, head in hands.

Oh, what had I done?

When I finally managed to think straight, I ran out after her. I needed to explain myself and make an effort, for the right person this time. Nawal was my right person.

As I ran down the stairs, almost tripping over my own feet twice, my eyes fell on the female sitting on my couch, a leg over another.

"Why are you still here?" My voice was calm but she knew me enough that I was the angriest when I wasn't yelling.

"Baby, I-" I held a hand for her to stop before she said such a thing again.

"Yashma, look, I'm a married man, happy in my life and I love my wife, okay? You were a part of my past so let it stay there and please leave my house and do not return here ever again. I've got nothing to give you and I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore, understood? And the next time you come and try to pull such a stunt, remember that I can and I will issue a restraining order in your name. Now please leave." I gestured towards the open door and pulled back my arm when she tried to grab it. I was speaking in a language she well understood so there was no need for me to repeat myself. When she left, I followed after her and locked the door securely before getting into my car and driving off to my sasural.

*sasural: house of in-laws

The door opened as soon as I rang the bell like they were expecting me. Rauf, who had opened the door, led me inside and sat across me in the living room. The treatment I was getting was definitely not how I should be treated, if they knew about what I had done. My sister sat beside her husband, not looking at me once.

"Can I please talk to Nawal?" I looked around to see if she was here but she wasn't, must be in her room.

"No. She most likely doesn't want to see you after what you did. Tell me, if Rumaisa came crying to you and told you that a woman, who isn't my mother or sister but my past lover, hugged me and I did nothing to separate her even when my wife was sitting right behind me, how would you react Ahad? You have no idea how much restrain it's taking right now for me to not get up and just punch you in the face." I winced at his words because that was exactly what I had done and I knew that I wouldn't forgive Rauf if it had happened with my sister.

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