Chapter 5

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5| Nawal

Today is my wedding. The day I get married and leave my family, my house, and my life all behind and move in with someone who I barely know. Reality is hitting only now as I sit with arms spread out and two girls sitting next to each arm, applying henna.

Sarah's sitting in front of me, talking to me about how everything will be fine and how life will only get more beautiful from now onwards. She got married last year to her cousin, her mamu's son.

*mamu: mother's brother.

My bridal dress came today in the morning, all pressed as it hung on the handle of my closet door, as a reminder that my life will change after tonight, either for the better or the worse. Ahad and his family are very nice people but that doesn't change the fact that I barely know him. We've exchanged a few words only and I'm already wearing a ring of his name and after tonight, I'll entirely belong to him. I sighed at the thought.

Somewhere between the anxiety and sour thoughts, a ray of excitement shone through. I was excited to know how my life would turn out to be as a married woman. The thrill of being with a man who would love me and who I would love too. Having a second family that I would get to call my own.

"Appi, what's the name of your groom?" One of the girls who were applying henna on my hand asked.

"Ahad. Ahad Iftikhar." I resisted the urge to smile because if I smiled now, I would never hear the end of it from Sarah.


Later that day, bhai dropped Sarah and me at the salon to get ready. Sarah had come along so I wouldn't be left alone. The hairstylist was straightening my hair and I felt it all getting more real with each passing second. I felt tears forming but I quickly dabbed my eye and smiled at myself in the mirror as courage to go through with this. Sarah came and stood behind me, patting my shoulder.

"Remember that it only gets better from now on. Ahad bhai is a nice man, he'll keep you happy so just smile. Enter your new life with a smile on your face, not tears in your eyes. And as a best friend, I must warn you that taking the pins out of your hair tonight will be very troublesome, get Ahad bhai to do it unless he-" I know that she was going to say something inappropriate so I lightly slapped her hand and teased, "Yes, mama." She playfully rolled her eyes and sat back on the couch.

Bhai had told me that first the nikkah will take place, then my photoshoot with Ahad followed by my rukhsati. I just know that the night is going to end in a pool of tears. Rehana aunty had called me earlier today, asking me how I was holding up. She reassured me that I'll be treated like the 'princess' I am and that I'd never feel the absence of my own family. She even told me how everyone was preparing the house for my welcome.

The make up artist asked me to wear my lehenga with which Sarah helped me. Fastening the hooks of the lehenga were harder than I had thought. Next the make up artist touched up my lipstick while the hairstylist put my hair in a bun and pinned the dupatta on top of my head. I wore my earrings and Sarah knelt down to take a picture of us two together. She suggested I take a pic of myself and send it to my family to tell them that I was ready. Bhai already knew the time I would be done so he would be here any minute. Mama had convinced both my father and brother to wear shalwar kameez today instead of suits. Bhai had chosen a grey shalwar kameez with a dark grey waistcoat to match and baba decided on beige and brown. Mama's dress was a beautiful lilac color that I had selected for her when we went out.

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