Chapter XXXIV: Betrayal

Start from the beginning

They truly did not get much from the interrogation of Aoki, and Honoka did not say a word.

Then, as they went shopping for phones, the first tech shop they stumbled upon belonged to a demon.

A demon who told prophecies and knew them more than they knew themselves.

When they were about to find out the truth about this world, Typhon refused to say anything more, as if something was holding him back.

Noah still couldn't believe he was the one responsible for the war between angels and demons. He was the Queen's son.

But where was this queen of his? Why wasn't she moving a finger to stop the war?

Noah still remembered the last thing he told them.

Get out before the fuming angel standing outside the door kills all of us.

Typhon wanted them to leave, because he was afraid of Honoka's wrath.

This perfect line-up of events in favor of Honoka could not be a mere coincidence.

However, if the angel was the one pulling the strings all along, why did she allow them to get into that dangerous Orphanage? Was that also part of her grand scheme?

Her words suddenly came back to Noah's thoughts, rang in his ears.

I don't choose whom to kill and whom to protect. My orders come from above.

Noah's ramen bowl grew cold in his hands. He had stopped eating a long time ago.

Somehow...somehow...the demons they met were exactly what they needed in their journey to discover their pasts. Aoki happened to know Noah's father, Agiel. Typhon happened to possess the ability to read into the future, and gave them special phones to communicate privately with each other. He knew exactly what to show Noah in that vision inside the phone. That experience happened to make both high school students closer, and Noah finally started to see the world in the eyes of a human.

Then, there was another angel who appeared. Michael. When Noah and Hitori decided to split up, he happened to show up at the right time to accompany the honey-eyed girl. To seemingly protect her.

What...what in the world are they trying to protect us from, if they have been controlling our fates from the very beginning?

Noah had a funny thought. Did the demons know they were being controlled by an invisible hand? Were both sides in agreement after all, scheming against Hitori and himself? For all he knew, perhaps his own biological mother, the Angels' Queen... was the one who ordered Honoka to do all this. What if she was the one moving them like chess pieces in a world whose future belonged to her?

Was there truly a war between angels and demons? Was it just a lie for a greater purpose, unknown to him?

What if the angel Queen knew the future, but was trying to change it?

Questions piled up, Noah's head only filled with more of them, and answers were only held by one person only. The girl sitting next to him.

Yet, he could not manipulate her. The stronger the person is, the more draining Voodoo Control can become.

The boy did not want to risk it, he knew the voodoo spirits were kind enough to lend him their powers, but they were all the more thrilled to kill him if he used too much of it.

The Voodoo Spirits...

That's what Noah always called it. The source of his power. However, after what happened this past week, did he dare to still call them that? Wasn't this power of his just a manifestation of his angel half?

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