Episode 85: I QUIT!!!!!! I QUIT!!!!!!!

Start from the beginning


"Well, Escargoon, your resume is amazing!" Tuggle said. "So will you be able to start today?"

"You bet I am!" Escargoon said. 

"All right! You can be a janitor from today! I look forward to working with you!" Tuggle said. 

"Back at you!" Escargoon said. Tuggle and Escargoon shook hands. "That was an easy job to get!" Escargoon said to himself as he was mopping the floor. He cleaned all day as he cleaned the shelves, refrigerators, and floors. Although it was physically tiring, it was not as bad as cleaning Dedede's castle. Escargoon also took care of his meals with the expired food that Tuggle was gonna throw away, but Escargoon insisted that he'll eat it. 

"Are you sure you can eat that?" Tuggle asked as he was worried about Escargoon.

"I'm not gonna get sick," Escargoon said. "They're still fresh! Plus, I need to save money." 

"I see. Do you have a place to stay?" Tuggle asked. 

"Of course," Escargoon said. "The forest is really nice. I'm gonna stay there until I can get a house." 

"Well then, I hope you could get a house soon," Tuggle said. 

After a long day, it was time for Escargoon to call for the day, but only at Tuggle's store. 

"So, are you gonna go to the forest or find a place to live?" Tuggle asked. 

"Actually, I'm gonna ask Samo if I can wash the dishes for him," Escargoon said. 

"You're gonna work at night too?" Tuggle asked. 

"It's the only way to make a living. Bye!" Escargoon said as he left. 

"Okay, bye!" Tuggle said. "I hope he survives this."


"Wow! Your resume is impressive!" Samo said. "Can you start working tonight? I got a lot of dishes that I've been procrastinating on!"

"Of course, I can!" Escargoon said. "Thank you so much!" 

"Well, if you can get started now, that'd be appreciated!" Samo said. 

"On it!" Escargoon said. 

After several hours of washing dishes, it was time for Samo to close. "All right. Thank you for today! I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Bye, Samo!" Escargoon said as he left. 

In the forest, he took out the sleeping bag, put up a tent, and slept there. "This is just like camping!" Escargoon said to himself. "Maybe living like this isn't so bad after all!" Escargoon had a really long and tiring yet rewarding day, so he fell asleep almost immediately. 

He didn't need an alarm clock when the sun hit him in the eye, so he headed to Cappy Town as soon as he woke up. He had morning and afternoon shifts at Tuggle's store and evening and night shifts at Samo's bar, so he had a long day ahead of him. Everyone in Cappy Town found it odd that Escargoon was no longer working for Dedede, but they soon got used to it. 

"How are you doing, sir Escargoon?" Sir Ebrum asked as Escargoon was working in Tuggle's store. 

"Is the work bearable?" Lady Like asked. 

"Oh, it's more than bearable! I love it!" Escargoon said excitedly. "It may seem like a lame job to a lot of people, but when you have been abused by your boss for years and years, you find these jobs really fun as you're not abused physically nor emotionally!" 

"He's really good at deep cleaning, too!" Samo said. "So glad I hired him!"

"I'm glad to see you doing fine, sir Escargoon," Lady Like said. 

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