It was 11:00 am when she arrived at the Li Mansion.

She had been working tirelessly to make medicine for Ye Jiu in the past few days, so she was deprived of sleep. She pushed the gate open listlessly and walked into the mansion.

At the same time, there was a group of men in the living room. They were standing around in a circle, and there was a tall, stocky man in the center. They all were patting his shoulders, and it seemed like they were comforting him.

“Don’t think too much, captain. It’s just an accident. Luckily we arrived in time. Besides, you’re not there to kill people. You’re there to save people!”

“Who would’ve thought that Old Master Zheng is really pretending to be sick in order to drag on and not sign the transfer agreement of the mine with President Li!”

“You didn’t push him into the river. It’s him who couldn’t stand the loneliness and asked the butler to push him out for a walk around the lake. It’s just so happened that you found him out and he wanted to kill you. You defended yourself and accidentally pushed him into the lake!”

“The worst thing is that the medicine he took would react with cold water, and honestly, I have never smelled such a stinky smell before. Even if Young Master Jiang has bathed several times, he still can’t wash the smell away…”

Truth be told, Jiang Jinshu just wanted to be alone right now. The things they said stung his ears, and his face was turning darker and darker with every passing second. In the end, he smacked the table hard and snarled, “Shut up! Who dares to mention what happened last night, I will beat him up until even his mother can’t recognize him!”

“Yes! Yes! Yes! We’ll keep our mouths shut from this moment!” They said as they nodded in assent.

Fu Zhi raised her brows when she heard everything.

She had to go through Jiang Jinshu and the others if she was heading towards the second floor. When she saw Gu Yanqi coming down from the stair, she said, “Please spray more air freshener in the living room, I have to pass by the living room when I come downstairs later.”

Jiang Jinshu’s heart skipped a beat when he heard Fu Zhi’s voice. He instinctively raised his arm and began checking himself.

The remaining members from the Shadow Corps turned their heads around and zeroed in on Fu Zhi. Suddenly, all of them remembered that Fu Zhi had warned them before about Old Master Zheng…

“Didn’t Fu Zhi say Old Master Zheng has taken a special medicine that will only work when contact with cold water?”

“Yes! She indeed has told us before about Old Master Zheng. She even has warned Young Master Jiang that he shouldn’t go to the lake with Old Master Zheng, or else he might regret it!”

“Now that you mentioned it, I also remember Fu Zhi has told us about that as well.”

“But how did she know that? We’ve consulted a lot of professional doctors, yet they all couldn’t see through it!”

“Young Master Jiang would’ve dodged the bullet if he listened to Ms. Fu.”

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, Young Master Jiang, you don’t have to smell yourself, and you don’t need to find ways to get rid of this smell on your body. Generally speaking, the medicine Old Master Zheng took would react with cold water and help him remove waste from his body. Once it sticks on your body, it might take at least four days before the smell will slowly dissipate. Therefore, all you have to do is wait.

[✓]The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now