Chapter 39

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When Izuku heard the sound of footsteps he panicked and in a rush to hide, Izuku does the only thing He can do in this situation, hide!

The other guests quickly entered Izuku's room and marvel at how empty it was and also how messy it was from the amount of paper that littered on the ground to broken pieces of computer devices, while also missing the fact Izuku was unmasked on the ceiling, the cut on his arm from earlier leaking a thick droplet of blood he felt fatigued and trying not to make any noise because of the sound sensitive family in his room along with his half sister whose nose is strong that she might pick up his scent

The other guests quickly entered Izuku's room and marvel at how empty it was and also how messy it was from the amount of paper that littered on the ground to broken pieces of computer devices, while also missing the fact Izuku was unmasked on the...

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Hisashi:huh a bit if a slob isn't he?

David:like you're one to talk

This got Hisashi to chuckle a bit with the rest heading back to the dining room with Hisashi doing the same

Until Izuku saw that the droplet got to heavy and fell from the ceiling and splashed on the floor.

This got Hisashi halted, what was that?

When he looks down and inspects the blood, fresh... where could it come from... he looked up

Only to see no one was there, or anything to contextualize the red drop.

Hisashi looks over the edge and peers down the balcony of Izuku's room and sees nothing, letting it go, He makes his leave, missing that
Izuku was in fact UNDERNEATH the balcony with a scared look on his face

'Izuku:oh shit I feel like I almost pissed myself'
'Venom:if you did that I would've made sure to cut off the thing that makes you a man'
'Izuku:I know you're still pissed at what I sad before but still fuck you'
'Venom:with that you're keeping the cut you bitch'
'Venom:yes for now but we'll make sure the cut doesn't make the others be suspicious of you'


When Izuku comes in through the front door in civilian clothes with the jar of cranberry sauce and Jalapeno sauce as well and smiling to the ones who were inside his home "Hey everyone!"

"Izuku, you made it!"

"Sorry for being late Aunt Mitsuki, it's a jungle out there, I had to beat an old lady with a stick to get these cranberries and trying to avoid getting hit."

Everyone welcomed Izuku and They set the table for dinner

Everyone sat down, Izuku at one side with most of the girls on his side smiling at him and Bakugous, Hisahsi, David and the Jirou's on the other side

With Mitsuki and Kyoka's mom they both placed down the food that simply looked delicious

With Hisashi about to take a peice only for Mitsuki to hit his hand lightly

Mitsuki:maybe you should start huh?

She said this with a smile but Hisashi who looked at her sharpened the blades he picked up with a smile on his face with David who simply chuckled

But Mitsuki who looekd towards Izuku was shocked

Mitsuki:Izuku! You're bleeding what happened?

This got everyone to look at Izuku who was surprised that the wound was showing

Izuku: ......oh um a villian attack happened on my way here it seems I was a bit too close I didn't realized I was injured

Mitsuki who went towards the injury saw it and rushed to get the first aid kit

Hisashi:Midoriya how did you say what happened?

When Izuku aaid it again Hisashi felt his eyes changing

Hisashi:um if you'll excuse me something came up enjoy the food

He rushed out about to leave only for his daughter to stop him

Emi:Dad! What're doing?

Hisashi:nothing I just need to go enjoy the food and company

Emi:No Dad there's something you're not telling me

Hisashi he felt himself slipping away turned towards Emi

Hisashi:it seems you feelings for that boy

Emi:what? Izuku? No heyjdut a friend Dad why would you even think that?

Hisahsi:you the same eyes the way your mother looked at me all those years ago....but please Emi, do you really think a guy like him would ever be interested because of your personality?!

Everyone heard him outside with Izuku wondering what was going on

Hisashi:your mother was something else but then those suitors only wanted her for her money and snarling at her trust funds like a pack of ravaging wolves!

Emi:You're wrong about her dad.

Hisashi:word to the not-so-wise about your little boy toy! Do what you need to with him to get into his pants and do it fast!

Saying all this and leaving with Emi almost crying but once she got inside she saw the looks of shocked on there faces

Emi:I'm sorry guys maybe I shouldn't have invited him and....!!

But she suddenly got a hug from Izuku

Izuku:this isn't your fault Emi...your father must be in a lot of stress for him to act like this so dont worry ok

He said this while smiling to her but all he got was her crying with the David narrowing his eyes at the way his friend acted

'David:Hisashi...what the hell happened to you?'

Meanwhile we see Hisashi in a corner on his room making himself smaller while trying to get rid of the voice



Chapter End

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