Never Fade || KTH. (2)

Start from the beginning


BTS had just finished, and she knew Jungkook had stayed behind to watch from the back, no doubt gushing over everything. And as Bae Bae began to play, Eunbi wondered if Taehyung was watching as well. If he cared.

He did.

Seeing Eunbi after all that time had stirred something inside of him that he hadn't even known was missing. He hadn't even realized that he had been missing her so much until he'd seen her.

A year.

It'd been over a year since they'd seen one another.

She'd stopped messaging him, and he hadn't known what was wrong. He didn't know if she had been mad at him, and he'd panicked. And maybe he'd stopped messaging her as well.

He didn't know where everything had started to fall apart.

When his hyungs and Jungkook had started going out at night in America to find some hookups or other pastimes, Taehyung had never involved himself in any of it. He knew that they were all men, they had needs, too, but he had Eunbi. He loved her, and he would never betray her like that.

They all understood, even if they made comments every now and then about how sometimes they forgot that he even had a girlfriend.

That Eunbi never came around anymore.

That they never talked.

And it hurt.

It hurt to know that they'd grown so far apart. He knew that for as much as he could blame schedules and touring, that it was partly his fault as well. He hadn't put enough effort forward to make sure that they were still in touch. That they still communicated with one another.

His fault.

And then he'd seen her so suddenly in the hallway, calling for his help. But the staff was too busy, and their performance was just about to begin and before he could say anything, he'd been swept away.

"Hyung!" Jungkook said, dragging him to some of the monitors. Some of the staff handed them water bottles as they passed them, sweaty and tired from their performances. He gulped the cool water down, watching as Big Bang started their final performance.

Taehyung stayed with the maknae as he watched the performance, but he couldn't stop himself from paying more attention to the backup dancers than the idols.

More specifically, Ha Eunbi, who was majestic and beautiful as she danced along.

But something ugly began to curl in his mind as he watched her dance seductively, making eyes at Daesung and some of the others. He knew that it was merely for the performance, but he couldn't stop the curl of jealousy at seeing her interact with them.

And then Bae Bae started to play, and he hated it when Eunbi wrapped her arm around Daesung's neck and swayed her hips against him, her eyes half lidded and her looking sultry as she did so, as she broke away from him and started to move her body seductively.

And the feeling only grew worse the second time that Eunbi did it, but this time it was with a smile on her face, as she held him close and swayed, giggling at his antics.

Somehow that hurt worse than her being seductive because he knew that it wasn't part of the performance.

He wanted to punch Daesung in the face, and as he continued to watch the performance, he could only stand there and grip his water bottle tighter and tighter, until what little water was left was exploding out of the top.

"Hyung!" Jungkook gasped, looking over at him. Taehyung blinked rapidly, seeming to knock himself out of the daze that he had put himself into, and looked back at Jungkook with a shocked expression.

"Sorry." He whispered.

"Hyung, you okay?"


Jungkook then stalked off, but Taehyung found that his feet were stuck. When he turned, he saw Eunbi, giggling with Daesung again. He admired the man, he looked up to him, and he couldn't deny that the two of them looked good together-


Eunbi was his.

He marched up to her, and grabbed her by the arm. She yelped, looking surprised, and Daesung looked like he wanted to say something, but Eunbi merely waved him off.

She let Taehyung drag her down the halls and into an empty dressing room, shutting and locking the door behind them.

"You!" He said, his eyes burning with anger. "You promised that you wouldn't look at other guys like that." He finally said lamely. "You promised!"

"I promised? Taehyung, that was eight years ago!" She exclaimed. "And you haven't exactly been around much. I haven't seen you since your twenty first birthday, and you're now what... twen-"

Taehyung didn't let her finish what she was saying, surging down to slot their lips together.

Sparks flew and butterflies built in his stomach as he kissed her. It was still the same, and he knew it. Because no other girl had ever made him feel this way. Not with their lusty gazes and their half-dressed bodies.

Eunbi had him wrapped around his finger with merely a kiss.

"I love you." He whispered. "And you're not allowed to look at other men." He said again. "Because you're mine..."

He gasped and his hand flew to his forehead when she smacked him hard. He could see tears in her eyes, and he stepped back in shock.

"You!" She said, her hands curling into fists. "You're such a jerk!" She cried out finally. "You said that we would never grow apart, that we would-"

"And I said that I would let you hit me." He whispered back, finally taking another step forward and bringing her into his arms.

He held her close, rocking their bodies back and forth as he did so. "I'm so sorry that I let us grow this far apart. I promise that it won't happen again. Not again. I can't live without you, Eunbi. You're the love of my life, and you're the only one that I want. And I didn't realize how unhappy I've been, every time that I couldn't hold you in my arms. And seeing you with Daesung-sunbaenim... no other man is allowed to have you. Because you're mine."

"Yours." She finally sniffled out. "And you're mine, you know?"

"Yes. Of course. Forever yours." Eunbi gave him a shaky smile at that.

"I love you, Taetae." She whispered.

"Always. I've always loved you too."

"Promise that we'll spend more time together?"

"I promise you, jagi. Come to my company, come to BigHit. We can be together again, see each other every day. I'll take you on tours with us, I don't care. I can't bear to be away from you any longer."

"Okay," she whispered quietly. "Yeah... yeah, okay. Yes, I will."

"Good," and as Taehyung leaned down to slot their mouth together once more, he knew.

He knew that he would never let their love fade again.

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