A Dance of Broken Things || JJK. (2)

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His thoughts were shattered by her voice, and without any more thinking, he stepped out from his seat and grabbed her hand. "Let's go."

He was surprised that she obeyed, but all he felt as he led them outside the tent, the entire way to a secluded park bench, was a new bubbling frustration.

I did it again. I let my emotions get to me.

Fortunately, in the embrace of the cool night air, he was able to calm his racing heart, taking his breathing back under control. The whole time Yuki allowed Jungkook to lead her here, without uttering a single word, and now, he wasn't sure what to say.


"I'm sorry," he said, leaning forward and propping his elbows on his knees, head lowered. "I couldn't help it, he was touching you, and-"


Looking up, his words froze in his throat as he took in Yuki's small yet sincere smile. "Thank you," she said. "I was uncomfortable... and you noticed. Thank you for looking out for me. You're the first to have done that for me."

He looked back down, unable to stop the question. "Who is he?" Was he.

"Mincheol? What I said. Just a friend from school." She also looked down. "He confessed to me so many times, but I always turned him down. I just don't see him that way."

A silence washed over them along with a cool breeze, the rustle of trees humming along. The barbecue tent was now a small orb of light in the distance, faint laughter from the various vendors echoing down the streets.

She giggled. "Don't worry about him," she said, her tone now a little lighter. "I'm glad you did that to him, honestly. Hopefully the next time he wakes up, he would've gotten some sense knocked into him."

He didn't say anything.

"But tonight he'd taken it too far," Yuki continued. "Even I was surprised by how drunk he'd gotten himself, and I was so scared to say anything, scared he'd deny it, scared he'd shout and make me look like a fool..."

She gazed at him. "So... thank you, Jungkook." She scooted closer to him. "Honestly... what you did... made my heart flutter." She paused, and a feeling of dread entered his veins as she spoke on. "So, can I tell you something? Something I wanted to say since I first saw you?"

He peered back up at her yet remained silent, eyes frozen, numb, and lost. She smiled, cheeks dusted pink. "I... like you, Jungkook."

And his gaze was mercilessly ensnared by hers, her eyes lighting up and her radiant smile dissolving his shields, something he'd never experienced before, all of what he knew crumbling around him. Heart soaring, he fell prey to his desires, unable to stem the swell of emotions.

"I-" he began.

The flashlight tore into him like a sword, blinding him as voices tore pierced the air, the quiet park erupting into cacophony.

"There he is! The killer!"


More and more flashlights stabbed into him, surrounding them, a dizzying tsunami of flashing lights illuminating the night and making his vision spin, sirens echoing in the entire sky.

"Hands up where I can see them, or you're dead!"

Yuki had darted to her feet, frantically looking around, panicked and confused, as a horde of policemen spilled out from the police cars, flashlights and guns pointing at them. "What the...what's happening?!" she shrieked.

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