Ten Steps || MYG. (2)

25 4 0

Yoongi's eyes widened, breath hitching in his throat. Behind the three men was that girl, Kang Young-Mi, who had appeared out of nowhere in the parking garage herself and was scampering straight at him, hand outstretched with a wad of cash as notable as her red helmet.

His heart stopped. No—

And the parking garage lit up in brilliant, explosive flames. The three men in front of him attempted to scrounge up any time to react from his bomb as they were blown off their feet, one of them managing to react just a bit quicker to dodge to the side and avoid the fiery demise of his less fortunate colleagues.

But all Yoongi's ears picked up were her shocked screams.

Without even knowing, he burst off towards her, shoving past the men, and threw himself onto her before she could meet the same fate, tumbling onto the ground and rolling to the side with her in his arms. A hiss of pain discharged from his mouth from the harsh impact, the back of his neck scorching from a scalding burn. A car three parking spots down erupted into flames, the blistering heat spitting hot embers and fireballs into the air.

She was still screaming, but Yoongi quickly pulled her up, cringing at the pain pulsing in his back and legs. His eyes ran all over her, praying he'd shielded her enough from the explosion.

Still shrieking with sheer horror, Young-Mi flung her gaze wildly around, her knuckles growing whiter and whiter as she clutched his arm. "What's happening?! What's going on—"

And her words cut off as her eyes settled on his, and Yoongi couldn't look away from her, watching the fear and realization seeping into her irises, despite knowing clearly that his black pupils reflected a feral and deranged guilt.

"You...did this?" she breathed, expression paralyzed with horror.

Heaving ragged breaths, Yoongi could only hold her, staring at her with sheer disbelief, despite feeling the flames lick so closely to them. Stupefied that she had actually followed him to return some pointless, loose cash, he blurted, "You should've kept the change—"

But a movement from behind her caused him to spin to the side, yanking her down with him.

Bang! Bang!

She screamed again as he wheeled them around once more, ducking them behind a car as the windows shattered, narrowly dodging the flurry of bullets; the one surviving man was opening fire on them. Eyes watering from the smoke, Yoongi glanced upwards, gritting his teeth at how high the flames had climbed up the walls of the parking garage. This place was going to become a fireball any second, and normally, he would've been outside by now at a safe distance, watching these men's grave and enjoying the magnificent fireworks with a can of beer.

But what he hadn't prepared for was for Kang Young-Mi to be in his arms.

Mind swimming, he grabbed his shoulder and winced in agony, chest heaving, before the car tire next to them burst open in flames. There was nowhere safe here.

He scrambled up to his feet with her but was startled to feel her resisting. Looking down and meeting her traumatized face, he could only bark, " Trust me! " even though she had no reason to, and without hearing her answer, he pulled her up and hurtled them from their spot out into the open right as the car they were behind exploded into a majestic fireball.

His eyes immediately matched those of the man whose gun was drawn, half of his face charred to a near crisp, a web of blood trickling from the open wound down his neck—clear evidence of Yoongi's grenade. The man's lips twisted, taking aim straight at them.

Without another second to waste, Yoongi burst off towards that man, keeping one arm wrapped around Young-Mi and angling her away from the front, his other hand reaching for his own gun tucked at his waist. He opened fire, more to derail his opponents' aim, as he was more preoccupied with the girl in his other arm. 

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