2 doufases 1 bed (shadowpeach)

Start from the beginning

"WELL. after you kinda fell asleep? I dragged you over onto the palette."macaque chuckled. "D-DRAGGED?!" wukong widened his eyes. "I'm just kiddin sunny I carried you." He said. "O-oh well.. Thank you? I mean- hey I thought I told you not to call me that anymore!" Wukong whined.

"Ehh it's catchy"macaque grinned. "ughhh I hate you SO much" wukong pouted turning over, nuzzling into the pillow. "Mhm yeah well whatever you should just lay down you're lucky I didn't just leave ya there." Macaque sighed

"Yeah yeah..." Wukongs voice quivered. Macaque noticed that wukong was shaking violently. "Heya.... You alright?" Macaque reached a hand out to wukong. "I-im f-f-fine... just a little.... cold." "You're probably shivering because of the cold..... UGHHHH here. Now I have to take care of you like some babysitter?" Macaque took his scarf off and threw it at wukong.

"Agh- mm.." Wukong wrapped the scarf around his neck, purring lightly. "Dude.. How do you get everything here so soft and fluffy!" Wukong said. "Well I can say I.. am very fond of fluffy things.. So I just.. Make them fluffy? I don't know." macaque looked away in embarrassment.

"Hmph. cute." Wukong turned the other way and mumbled a quick genuine 'thank you' and 'goodnight'. Macaque heard this and smirked a bit, turned over and sighed 'welp.. This is what happens when I take care of someone with nothing to sleep with. So I guess it's just hard cave ground today.' Macaque thought trying to get himself into a comfortable position.

"Ugh... Macaque..?" Wukong said not turning over to face him. He was just to embarrassed. "Yeah?" He replied. Wukong let out a sigh and got up and faced him.

"Hmmph! I'm a bit cooolddd! Can you come and lay with meee?" Wukong batted his eyes and put a finger near his mouth in a cutsey motion, his eyes glistening. Wukong didn't really know how to ask macaque to lay in bed with him. So he figured being stupid and teasing would do the trick.

"Ugh.. What.. are you talking about." Macaque said in a disgusted tone. "Just... get over here dammit." Wukong covering himself with the sheets hiding half of his face. It looked almost...erotic.

"Ugh don't ask me like that when you look like we're about to fuck." Macaque faintly blushed, got up and scooted over to where wukong was. "Hey hey I wouldn't complain~" wukong joked. "Don't say things like that.. and don't even think about trying anything." Macaque got in next to wukong and faced away from him.

"Why would I ever?~" wukong cooed and turned over. Then what a coincidence! Wukong started to shiver like crazy again. Macaque could feel the golden monkey practically vibrating. Macaque sighed, turned over and began to hug Wukong, hands on his chest. Wukong gave a very light moan, careful to not be heard by the six eared macaque.

Well due to his six ears, he heard it and liked it. He wondered if he could hear more..

Macaque shook his head to snap him out of his own thoughts. He just blushed a bright red, and hugged the great sage tighter at an attempt to warm him up. Macaques hot breath down his neck. Wukong enjoyed the warmth and swiftly turned over and rubbed his face against macaques chest, macaque also enjoyed the warmth.

The pair started to purr onto each other's bodies. "Wow... this is... Nice." Macaque said pulling wukong VERY close. Wukong was a blushing mess and so was macaque. "Hmph.. Yeah.. You're right." Wukong submitted to the tight.. and awful lewd hold macaque had on him.

They both fell asleep, holding one another.


The next morning their current position was now:

Macaque laying on his back with wukong laying on his side, head on macaques chest and hand on his stomach. Macaques arm around wukong as they slept.

Macaque slowly opened his eyes, remembering what happened last night and whaddya know...

Some good ol' mornin wood.



Let me know if you want the smut continuation I love you all and there's more where that came from! Cya!!

[Extra 4 u all hehe]

[Extra 4 u all hehe]

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