"Anderson, what is your ETA." I spoke into the phone.

"Uuuuummm like 11 am I think."

"What do you mean you think? How do you not know?" My anger with my Beta bubbled to the surface.

"I don't drive the car dude. You won't let me. Ask the guy that drives." He said smugly into the phone.

I growled into the speaker, "Anderson, now is not the time to play games with me over not allowing you to drive a six figure car when you have wrecked the last two. What time should I expect you to have your ass here protecting your Luna?" My knuckles were turning white over how tightly I was now gripping the phone. He was annoying me, but it was nothing compared to the feeling I had in my chest over leaving my mate. I was sick with nerves and I feared I was going to crush this phone.

"Get your panties out of a wad, I will for sure be there at 11 am." He had the audacity to scoff before hanging up the phone. Every other wolf feared me and Anderson taunted me. What they didn't realize was that they should fear both of us, and Dalton was about to find out why. Anderson may get on my nerves, but I knew he was loyal. The lighthearted friendship a by-product of that.

Shaking my head I turned around to my beautiful mate. She was able to tolerate a shower using a shower chair. As much as I insisted all I was allowed to do was help her walk (which was basically carrying her) to and from the bathroom once she was clothed. My mate needed time and space, and I was willing to endure no matter how badly I wanted to be the one caring for her. My wolf's need to groom his mate almost made me pressure her further, but I held it in and was now brushing her hair. It definitely helped to ease me and my wolf.

I pulled the brush through her hair and bent down and said lowly in her ear, "I hate that I have to go, but I will be back as soon as I can." I bent down and kissed her neck, just above her collarbone.

She shivered, "can the three of us still have dinner tonight?" She asked sheepishly, as this was at least the fourth time she had confirmed our plans were still on for tonight.

I stood back up, pulling the brush through her hair once more. Amber and vanilla filling my senses with every stroke, "of course we are my love. Nothing will change those plans, you can trust me." I was learning Alyssa needed quite a bit of reassurance that I would follow through for her. Something else I was sure I could blame on Dalton.

She sighed.

"What is it, my love?"

"I wish you didn't have to go. I've only just met you, but I really don't want you to go. I am so scared to sound clingy, but I feel uneasy that you're going." She stared down at her knotted fingers in her lap. They were turning white with the amount of pressure.

Stepping around the bed to face her I bent down to my knees to see her at eye level, and took her worried hands in mine, "My love, you are not clingy. You are my mate. I terribly want to stay with you as well, and if I am being honest, I too have had to fight off the anxiety of leaving you." She seemed relieved that I was struggling as well. Then I had a thought. The hoodie.

I walked over to my suitcase and pulled out the old faded hoodie, crossing back over to my mate.

"Lift your arms," I growled, staring into her deep green eyes, my wolf and I taking another opportunity to care for our mate.

Never losing eye contact, she did as she was told and slowly raised them in the air. My wolf was now howling over the respect our mate was showing us.

I stepped closer and pulled the hoodie over her head. Her damp strands brushed over my knuckles, making me twitch with lust. Fuck, hold it together, Brent; it's hair!

Second Chance LunaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora