Since handing in the papers early was prohibited, by the time Fu Zhi came out of the examination hall, she bumped into another team.

Unlike the other team, whose faces were scrunched up in worry, Fu Zhi was calm and collected. After all, this competition was nothing to her.

She then went to the restroom to wash her hands. When she came out, she saw Ma Mingquan approach her from a distance with his arms flailing in the air like the tentacles of a dancing octopus. “Fu Zhi! Great news! You guys are free!”


‘Nope. I’m going to fight until the end.’

However, it did not matter anymore. Ma Mingquan was going to take five students to get their names registered at the Education Bureau after the competition.

The two teams from Yu City had arrived earlier, but another team from the capital had not arrived yet.

In the end, the teacher had no choice but to allow the two teams to register first. The teacher waited for 10 more minutes straight, and just as he was about to run out of patience, the team leader of the capital team, Jiang Xi, arrived.

There were three people who seemed to be her teammates and a young man who was surrounded by a group of bodyguards.

Before they could see the young man’s face clearly, they heard him cough first, each of his coughs sounding louder than the last.

Only when the group of people walked into their line of vision did they see the young man clearly. He was wearing a well-cut black trench coat with a white shirt and a pair of black trousers. He was heaving and coughing as he walked, and the tips of his ears were red.

To take care of his condition, the entire team was moving very slowly.

When the teacher saw Jiang Xi, he handed her a pen and a piece of paper and said, “Make sure everyone is here and sign each of your names respectively.”

Jiang Xi nodded. After she signed her name, she walked up to the young man. Nobody knew why, but her face started turning red. Then, in a soft voice, she said, “Brother Zong, the doctor said that, given your condition, you have to exercise more. Do you want to have a walk nearby later?”

“Okay,” the young man inside the circle of bodyguards answered as he raised his head. His skin was fair, his chest was heaving hard, and his Adam’s apple was bobbing up and down in his throat. He had a dominant face, but the aggressiveness was mellowed down by his frail body.

Fu Zhi had no idea why, but the young man reminded her of a young master in ancient times.

Lu Yubai pressed her head down and said, “Stop staring at him like that, or I might think that you have a thing for him and break your leg!”

Fu Zhi did not know what to say.

She felt that her cousin was just being paranoid. She believed that this young man was a rich man. Not only that, but he seemed like he was going to kick the bucket soon, so he definitely was going to leave a hundred million worth of inheritance behind!

The teacher asked Fu Zhi and her team to stay back. “The provincial leader is coming to take a picture with you all, so you have to stay back for a while.”

Fu Zhi then hastily chimed in, “Are they going to give me money to take a picture with me?”

The teacher responded by chasing her away like a mother hen chasing its chicks.

“Scat! Scat!” A few shouts were heard all of a sudden.

Fu Zhi turned her body sideways and saw the bodyguards around Jiang Zong protect him as if someone was going to kill him.

[✓]The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now