Chapter No.4: Your Masterpiece

Start from the beginning

"I was going to show you this sooner but Book-Let ran in here at a sos state first," Tion sighs, partially in regret, partially in exhaustion. She has likely been overworking herself for the past several hours, I feel slightly to blame. "It's alright, you should go rest." Tion nods, turning around and setting off to a different room before stopping in her tracks, "But what about you?" What does she mean by that? She stands there not facing me, "I guess I'll base it on impulse." I swing myself into her direction. "That's reckless! I might already care for Book-Let but I can for you too!" She turns around, clasping her hands on my shoulders.

"Tion, it is okay, please do not worry so much about it." She wipes her eyes, probably not expecting her own outburst. "I'm sorry but as a doctor you still need to rest." I shake my head, she is clearly taking any excuse she can with a panic like that in their eyes. They take my wrists, putting them restrained, "Look Ink, everything is crumbling down on me and being a doctor is the only thing that I know how to do! It'd be fine to stay due to you only being here for a week." A week? What does she mean by a week? I thought it was only a day. "What?" She covered her mouth, releasing my wrists. "You told me it was yesterday Tion, you lied to me?" Panic surges through the medic, I can tell from her eyes.

Did Book-Let think I was educated on this factor? Is that why he was so angry? That isn't fair to me, to him, did Tion think about anyone besides herself. "Ink, you gotta understand!" Her eyes trace the room, clearly searching for something or someone. But she is running out of options, no she ran out a long time ago. "Why? What are your motivations?" I stare intently, I truly wish that I could fathom why Tion would do such a thing. It is now I realize that I am behaving in a manner that I actually knew her. ¨You wouldn't understand it Ink, you don't know me, stay.¨ I back up, she stares back at me. Shaking my head, I start to walk away from her. She rushes up to me, but she doesn't know what to say to me.

She takes out a syringe from her pocket, and apologies for what she is about to do. I jolt back at the needle that is filled with neon green. If I were to back up now I could pull Tion's needle away from her. The door isn't too far away from me, I don't know how my powers work. Wait a minute, I can blow up anywhere I'm touched. What is the least vital place Tion touched me at? The skin of my shoulders, she can handle the injury I'm sure. A boom follows where I aim, red crosses the skyline of my eyes. It is my opportunity now to run as fast as I possibly can, Tion should be heavily delayed. They stumble in their footsteps, ruby peers up at the top of their neck. ¨I'm not ready, don't you dare leave me like this Ink¨ They scream at the top of their lungs, circles of purple blast against my ears.

It is time I do all I can to run to the exit in front of me, I might have to strengthen Tion's injuries if I don't. She catches on to my thoughts because her wings spread and try to gust me away from the door. That burning blood red of a door. I use my tail to balance my place on the concrete floor. It scrapes the stone of the flooring, the tiles being stained by dirt, I keep it in check on the trail of my footing. Tion sees that I'm moving swiftly, it angers her so, I dash backwards and reverse her wind with the spreading of my three sets of wings. It causes her a dry breath, but she manages to crawl over to the exit to block my escape. If I try to just run past, there is a high likelihood that I will be injected with the chemical inside of that syringe.

She takes out a second, laced with neon purple goop, the damage has no longer caused recoil on her. Her eyes lace blood in her, I don't know if she is evil, or misunderstood? They grimace at the wounds in their shoulders, the frown spotlights their sharpened canines, the ends are coated in obsidian. My eyes switch between Tions position and the door, a slim chance of escape could appear to me if I purposely get injected, Tion would let her guard down just for a moment. A moment is all I need to get out of here, even with how thick those needles just are. My breath shivers, causing a strong, dry sensation in the back of my throat.

Anxiety would already be normal, especially in a situation like this, but it's like even though I should be terrified, I just feel empty. ¨You can't run anymore Ink, just cave in.¨ Her voice is still trembling with every word she says. Maybe I have no other choice. ¨Okay, I will cave.¨ She smiles sinisterly, her body language calming down and prepping the needle to sew through my skin. I go to her, walking both slowly and carefully, it is best to analyze. Tion only stared for a moment, that was all she needed to dig deeply into my skin with both of her weapons at once. The adrenaline hits me for the same length of the moment, it is then that I blackout.

Fear is a grueling punishment that we all have to suffer at some point in time. I have felt this emotion before now but it wasn't nearly as strong. My eyes were taped shut with sweat from the feeling that is crawling at me. There is a purpose to everything, purpose to this emotion, but I wonder for what purpose have I been forbidden to see daylight for. ¨Tion, why are we hosting a kidnapping? I gave you plenty of other surgical dolls.¨ This is Book-Let's voice, but my mouth is muffled shut with rope. "Because an alive captive works better with my style!" I hear a faint swoop hit the air like a light breeze. "If you insist, at least a newbie isn't known to the Dread community. I still think choosing a sprite was a bad idea." Book-Let mumbles in a whisper-yell tone.

I can feel the glare Tion gives to him, it's filled with fire. It is burning every speck of my skin like a microscope on grass. ¨Well, at least I got them before investigation, like Stanza or before the community knew them like Sparix and Apostrophe¨ I really don't know anyone in this town. The tension between Book-Let and Tion is such a thick magnitude, I could cut it with whatever knife that Tion is going to stab me with. "Anyway it's too late now, go ahead and experiment on that Sprite." My eyes still won't open, my rope is sealed tightly as well, all I can do is hear shifting in the room. A door closes creakily, most likely Book-Let, my chest starts to pound as my adrenaline runs out and leaves me with just blank thoughts.

"Hello Ink~ I noticed that you heard my little talk with Book-Let, trust me, unlike those names you heard, you're never going to leave this chamber. I already made it impossible for you to escape by death." So maniacs can make their way here? Huh, I shouldn't be too surprised, this is Dread afterall. I wish I knew how Sparix, Stanza, and Apostrophe escaped here, maybe I would have a good chance if I knew, but they could have easily been here for a long time before learning a safe escape plan. Did Matrix know about all this? Was he in on it?
Well it clearly doesn't matter because the next thing I feel is a sharp gust of wind hit me before a dagger traces my chest. "Art, they always said I was an artist." Wet blood, full of iron hits me on the face. "But I was merely paper, so now I'll make you into paper too!" she yells, sending blows to my arms over and over in a synchronized pattern. A few tears of hers brush against my face, the rope used to muffled me being completely drenched in blood splatter. "When I was very fond of my own art at last, it was torn up! I always wondered what the paper felt then. So tell me Ink, how do you feel now?" She rips out the rope, leaving stings trailing up the corners of my mouth. "Tion, this hurts like hell, can you put the rope back in?" The bat smacks me, of course, almost forgetting I'm a literal hostage.

"Take me more seriously. After all, I am an artist." I can feel her emphasis on artist as she takes a plunge in my stomach. Shouldn't she be trauma dumping to someone else, especially because she kidnapped me? I can tell her weapon is already getting dull because it's taking more than a stab to splurge through my skin. Syringes are supposed to be for injections anyway so it doesn't make a good cut, but it makes this harder because it's choppy and a lot more painful.
The metal tray that Tion brought over here is put in use because I hear her move some stuff on their around, hopefully using a different weapon than a syringe would make these a lot easier to deal with. After some clings and clangs she finishes up and adjusts her gloves, at least she is being sterile? Slicing, scissors, she is cutting these wounds open, I really want to know why I have no fear in this situation. "I must be a great artist to make you into a masterpiece." she laughs, insecure bitch.

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