Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor

Start from the beginning

"What about you?"


"How do you feel about me?" Oliver looks at me.

"Well of course I look up to you too. You're so passionate about quidditch and you put so much effort into your team. You're really great at it too," I put plainly.

"You're better at quidditch," he smiles.

"I'm better at most things Wood. Just a fact of life but you are more committed to the sport then I will ever be. All my plays and tricks, that's all they are, flashy tricks that would never work if I went pro. They work and they can get you out of a sticky situation but they're inconsistent and impractical. The skill you have is what shows in a match, something that all the quidditch recruiters will fawn over," I say as we fly over to the roof of hogwarts.

We sit down and Oliver looks at me as if hanging on my every word.

"You're really something Ash," Oliver pulls me into a hug and whispers, "thanks."

"Don't get all the mushy on me now. Maybe I'm trying to get into your head for the match in a few days," I laugh and hug back.

"You're already in it."

Days pass and Davies and Wood practised everyday. Oliver more than Davies. They practiced for unseemly hours. When the twins were able to break away from the constant practices all they had the energy to do was complain to me. I laughed as they whined about how they could never see me anymore since our practise times were opposite and both our captains were obsessed. As obsessed with practising as they were they refused to have overlapping practices. Sometimes I would see Oliver in the halls and he'd smile but it definitely felt like a rivalry. He would send me letters reassuring me that he didn't hate me but would definitley beat me in the match. I found it very amusing.

"What are you giggling over?" Fred collapses next to me on the Ravenclaw couch.

He snuck in at midnight, it was the only time Oliver let the team out of his sight. He made sure they were eating and keeping up with their grades so that they were healthy and allowed to play. He would have been making sure they were sleeping too if McGonagall hadn't drawn a line.

"Oliver sent another letter," I laugh at his rushed handwriting.


I hand him the letter.

To Ash,

Sorry I haven't been able to talk to you in a while. It's stressful times as you know, I just don't want to let my team down. Honestly I hope we crush Ravenclaw in the match. Either way I still enjoy being your friend however it is easier to use the manuevers that I plan on using if we are rivals. :)

Love, Oliver.

(The maneuvers are legal, don't ask the twins about it. They might tell you)

Fred shifts uncomfortably as he reads. The letter irritated him because he didn't want to admit that Ash and Oliver were anything more than friends yet. He didn't even want to admit that they were friends.

"Are you going to write back?"

"Of course, it's what I've been doing. I've actually been egging him on. He was only considering the 3am practise on Tuesday. I told him he should do it and make you run laps to get you in shape," I laugh.

"You're evil. So it was you. Oliver told us about someone encouraging him to do it. Our whole team was cursing you for days," Fred looks at me as if I had just betrayed him in the most horrible way possible.

"Who knows you might just beat me tomorrow now," I push his head gently.

"Don't even talk to me," Fred turns his back on me.'

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