S.2 - 26

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Kai's POV

It didn't take long before I could see the large buildings of Ninjago.

I landed on the outskirts and transformed.

I ran as fast as I could through the city following the scent of my teammate.

I didn't care about the weird looks I was getting. I just kept turning corners and smelling the trail.

Finally I arrived...somewhere.

The smell was coming from inside an old work shed like thing.

I walked over to a door and peered through the window on it.

I then looked around for anyone. I was in a deserted part of Ninjago...and I didn't know how far into the city I was...if I was even in the main part of the city at all.

I turned back to the window.

Inside was what looked to be a switch back staircase leading down many floors.

I tried the door nob but it didn't budge.

I looked into the widow...then smashed it.

I was about to reach down and unlock the door when someone grabbed me.

I growled as a skeleton started to pull my arm.

I was able to get it free but not before unlocking the door.

I entered and grabbed the skeletons skull.

I rammed it into the wall then set fire to it. They where quit flammable and burnt easily.

It tried to run but eventually fell and crumbled to ash.

I smiled then looked at the staircase.

Talon here I come I thought before dissenting the stairs.

I did it by jumping from railing to railing down instead of walking down the steps. This way was much faster

I had to set fire to a few skeletons on the way down and finally I reached the ground floor.

I grabbed the two skeleton guards standing there and rammed there heads into the wall.

This caused them to smash on impact killing them without my fire. I still burned them though.

I looked through the window on the door and gasped slightly. Inside was large concrete caves with many skeleton guards all ready with spears.

On the two side wall were what looked to be two of those rock with rope shooters.

In the centre of the back wall was two cages one with many of the elemental master all with vengestone cuffs, and the other with...dragons...ones from all the realms that housed them.

I ran through the door and transformed just as fast letting out an ear piercing screech roar.

I then breathed a large blast of fire at all the skeletons and as the rope-rocks came at me I was able to set them on fire. I then shot a blast of fire at the shooting machines and they became inactive.

After that I stoped and breathed harshly pivoting my head and shooting fire at any last skeletons.

I growled at the last one I burned.

I rose my head and looked around. The elemental masters didn't know what was going on. The dragons seamed cheerful but I was looking for someone.

"Kai?" I heard her familiar voice. I ran to the dragon cage as Talon moved to the front.

"Your alive!" I breathed out a sigh of relief. "You thought I wasn't?" She laughed nudging her snout with mine.

I looked down at the lock. "It is vengestone...our fire does not work." Said an old dragon stepping forward.

"It doesn't work because your an elemental dragon." I said. I then used my claw and swiped at the lock. "Plus I'm strong." I said as the lock broke. The cage opened and dragon started out.

I wrapped my neck around Talon's as she did me.

"Your an idiot coming here." She smiled. "I know." I reminded her.

"Excuse me?" A small voice said. I looked down and beside Talon was a light brown dragon with no wings.

"Thank you." She bowed her neck. "Your welcome...but how did you get here?" I asked her.

"The dragon master has been grabbing dragons from all realms." She stated. I cocked my head. "Dragon Master?" I asked.

"Yes he has been-" She stoped talking and stared behind me.

I turned and saw Vangelis. I growled. The other dragons had started backing up. "Talon get the elemental masters out." I said. She nodded and I moved in front of the crowd.

I stood tall as Vangelis started laughing.

"I didn't think you'd come." He said. I growled with a hiss.

"But dragons are loyal..." He hissed. I heard the lock of the other cage open and four figures came up beside me.

"Kai?" One of them questioned...I looked down and it was Cole. That's why they weren't at the monastery. They where captured? I thought. I looked back up at Vangelis and hissed.

"You couldn't beat me before...what makes you think you can now?" He asked with a maniacal laugh.

I gave a large roar then shot a large blast of fire.

It barley fazed him when the fire dissipated.

He chuckled.. "My Turn." He said before shooting a blast of his magic at me. I shot a blast of fire at it and the magic dissipated.

I smiled. "Well then.." Vangelis stated thinking of a different approach. I didn't let him before I shot another blast of fire. This caught him off guard so his magic shield thing wasn't fully up. I was able to get him burned a bit.

"CURSE YOU YOU BEAST!!" He yelled at he charged forward. I stood up on my hind lags and and gave a roar like hiss.

I swiped at him as he tried attacking me. I was able to snap down my jaws on his wing and I ripped it a bit. I roared at him as he stables himself.

I then shot another blast of fire. Again it caught him off guard and instead of stopping I continued my fire. I continued to shoot at the sorcerer until I had no more breath.

Smoke came out of my nostrils as I looked at the spot where my fire was. The walls behind it where singed and Vangelis was standing on the ground.

He was badly burnt...but his mask was completely singed off. I growled at him as he looked up at me.

"What...are you..?" He huffed. I gave a large roar again this time it took him to the ground.

I stepped forward with my snout around only a few inches away from him.

His eyes where almost sad. Like he was about to cry. But I think he was mostly scared. I growled and he backed up a bit...

He then smiled harshly.

Do I smell a cliff hanger....maybe?

(1122 Words)

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