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•Kai's POV

I took off on my dragon.

Who would kill a person no older then 10? Kept repeating in my mind. To the point where I had to land from the distraction of my mind.

My dragon unformed before I hit the ground and I landed in a crouch.

I scowled under my breath. I had landed in a diminished uninhabited part of Ninjago.

I looked around; it was completely deserted. No form of life just...rubble from the crumbling buildings around me, all with a light grey tone.

I started walking. To no where. The area I had landed in was completely hollowed out with destroyed buildings all around.

I looked down to what looked to be cracked rock. I was on top of a fallen building.

*rock movement*

I turned. There was no one.


I looked up. "SHITTTT." I yelled just jumping out of the way of a falling beam.

I landed on my side and looked back to where I had just been standing. An un hoisted roof now laid as the dust cleared.

I then cursed myself for swearing but shat up. "Ok...watch out for falling buildings..." I mumbled to myself.

I walked back out to the centre of the open area and looked around.

There was nothing...just blank.

No older then 10... rang in my head. I shook it and started toward the other end of the clearing.

You where supposed to protect them... The voice sang. I stoped and looked down at the ground.

I tried I thought trying to calm my unnerved thoughts. But you failed... it rang on.

I crouched down and held myself on my toes. I cupped my face in my hands.

"I tried..." I mumbled to myself trying to fight the tears that nipped at my eyes. But you failed.....under 10....dead....you could have save them... The voice scowled.

I started to rub my face. I then dropped my hands and stared down to the ground.

Little wet spots stated to form on the dry concrete under my head. I then gave myself a sad laugh.

I looked up and the clear blue sky and shook my head. "This will not happen again..." I said out loud changing my expression to serious.

I stood up and started back to the centre. I whipped my eyes on my under sleeve of my Gi and looked around one last time.

*Falling Rock*

I heard something. Something or someone moved.

My eyes dried in an instant and I reached to my back to draw my swords.

Again the movement of rocks caught my attention. This time they where coming from a somewhere direct.

I looked straight ahead to a dark patch of rubble under a shaded cracked roof.

I slightly bent my legs and leaned forward. Drawing my left hand and left sword to my my face while the other set low and in front of me. Battle position.

I moment later a black blur rushed past me. I quickly moved out of the way and spun around. Only for the same blur to rush past my other side.

I hissed as I now felt the sting at my shoulders. "Who's there?" I called now feeling the blood run down my arm.

They killer had sliced my shoulders open. Not deep enough to cause nerve damage but enough for someone not skilled to drop there weapons.

"Your different..." A voice hissed. They voice seemed almost sharper. Like it ran through rows of broken glass.

At first I thought serpentine but they...they we not as fast as whoever this was, not even Pythor.

I looked at the same dark patch I was before and there stood a dark figure. "Who are you?" I asked my hands wanting me to use my fire.

"The real question is..." The voice hissed before stepping into the light. "Who are you?" It asked stepping far forward.

My arms almost went limp and I stood up straight. The figure was something not human. It's hands where black but it faded up there arms to there dark red skin.

They where wearing a tank top and a vest like thing. As well as tight shorts that ran down half there legs. There legs...they where curved in the wrong direction. Like an animal...definitely an animal.

There legs where the same dark red coloured skin. They where wearing a mask of black that matched there outfit. They also had a tail which drew my attention till I saw them...

Claws!! I released. They had claws. The dull knives...weren't knives!! I put the puzzle together.

I re did my fighting stance and they stepped forward. The figure scoffed and charged forward.

I quickly rose my swords as they brought down there hands. There blood stained claws scrapped my metal swords.

"Your skilled." They said as though they where surprised. "Of course I am.." I said pushing them back. "I'm a ninja." I smiled before charging at them. They blocked with there arms and I thought my swords would go right through them.

But they didn't...they simply rammed into them although it felt like they where on someone that wasn't solid, like an invisible force.

The figure noticed my surprise and I think they smiled under there mask. They grabbed my swords and pulled them out of my hands.

I stumbled back and waited as the person or thing inspected them.

"I don't usually use weapons..." They started. "But when I do...I usually know my opponents weaknesses." They said as they THREW THEM over a large cracking building.

"There...your only power gone." They said as they charged at me.

I laughed and shot a fire blast at them. Pushing them back a bit.

When the fire dissipated they where standing there staring at there arms. Which where charged a bit.

"See not power less." I said in a cocky tone. "I'm not only a ninja I'm also an elemental master.." I started to rant.

"And I know spingitzu. So that's also something." I smiled. I then placed my hand on my chin. "What else can I do that is power less." I laughed before looking back at them. They was still in the same position.

"You gunna say something?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Ah... your blown away by me..just like.." "SHUT UP." They hissed charging at me by surprise.

They pinned me down and rose there claw. "I'm going to kill you...I need AHHH." They called. I didn't let them finished before I kicked them hard enough to push them off me.

"Your the killer...So I need to kill you." I said coming to the end conclusion and rose my fist which was on fire.

"Do it then." They said almost I'm my cocky tone. I cocked my head. "You just gonna give up?" I asked leaning down. "Nope." They said before going invisible.

I wanted to try so thing different. Specifically more or less descriptive writing.
Hope you liked it

^Also hello again. And yes I'll be posting these then the photos so I'm sorry to disappoint those who wanted them with the photos.

(1177 Words)

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