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Talon's POV

We flew to the temple in silence. Kai seamed angry that his team or brothers did that to him. My hand was hurting but I think he was much more hurt.

A few time I debated talking to him but I really didn't want to risk it.

The black dragon was leading me to wherever, I didn't care to ask.

He had a small smoke trail from his mouth and nose following behind him. He flew a head and landed on the ledge into the temple.

He walked to the centre of the opening and plopped his head down. He shut his eyes and I assumed tried to sleep.

I walked over to him and he groans a bit. "I'm sure your master will be able to fix you." I said laying down beside him.

He growled a bit but didn't move away.

We slept for a while. Till the sun was around mid day.

I was awaken by the sound of water pouring.

I squinted my eyes as I lifted my head. I shook it a bit before the Wu person was visible.

He was sitting around 10 feet away pouring some tea. I looked down and Kai was still fast asleep.

"I see you have failed.." Wu said sipping his tea. "I didn't fail." I clarified.

He then gestured to Kai. "Then you failed him." He said. "The mission was save my people. His team ruined the last part of it." I said.

"Yes...but part of your mission was to get your scale back. And you failed." He said sipping another sip.

I beard my teeth and hissed at him. "I tried. I wanted him to go back. But his old team ruined it. If they had just waited and had just seen....they could have saved him." I explained.

"So you are not taking the fault?" He asked. "No? Why would I take the fault. I tried and if I could have done it faster I would have." I said.

"So you blame Lloyd?" He asked sipping his tea. "Yes...and I bet Kai does too." I said. He shrugged.

"I saw the carvings." He started. I cocked my head. "They...do change the way I thought about my father....I am sorry. I did not know your realm was dying. My tea or smoke usually tells me something to tell my students but....but what I saw in the temple changed things."

"It's hard to believe." I said. He nodded before standing. He grabbed his stuff and started out the cave.

"Kai will come to the monastery when he want to. Do not push him. He will do what he wants now that he knows he can." He said.

"He didn't think he could?" I questioned. He sighed.

"I believe he has been pushed back. After his sisters departure, he has been distant. You have changed him. I believe his brothers will learn eventually to treat him like he's changed. But for know...all they know of Kai is what they knew of him 4 years ago. And they are afraid to accept that he....he changed on his own." He finished. I was speechless and shook my head.

"Wow...I never thought anyone could think that." I said. Wu nodded.

"He loves his family...his brothers. He may be angry now but he will come around soon. He always has." He said as he walked out of the cave.

I placed my head back on the ground and looked at Kai. He was asleep but he didn't look comfortable.

I reached my wing over him and placed it down I then moved my other wing over my head to block the afternoon sun.

Kai's POV

I woke up. The sky looked to be setting and I shook my head. Talon wasn't here so I stood up and stretched.

A moment later a gust of wind blasted past me as Talon came flying in. I ducked just as she landed behind me.

"Your finally up?" She asked as I turned to her. "Ya?" I said with a yawn. "You've been sleeping for a while." She said.

"I was trying a trick that went right over your sleeping scale and you still didn't wake up." She explained. "That's what that was." I said with a smile.

"You feeling better?" She asked walking up and rubbing her snout on mine.

"Just...tired.." I stated. "I thought maybe sleeping could help me forget but...I really am stuck like this." I said.

Talon moved my head up with hers. "Your not stuck...I mean you are stuck in this body...but know your free." She said spreading her wings.

I smiled and shook my head. "How about a night fly?" I asked. She smiled.

We took off into the evening and I tried to forget.

Wu's POV

I was at the monastery stares when I saw two figures fly over head.

One yellow one black.

I smiled. Talon had really made that dragon listen.

It was almost pitch black and I entered the large courtyard gates quietly.

I made it to my room where two people where waiting for me.

"Master is there anyway to....fix me." Kai asked with a bit of a laugh.

"But before that..." Talon started inching Kai to say something.

"Is there a way to get to the mirror realm. I want to visit her realm to see what we've accomplished." He said.

I smiled. "You have finally released." I said. He looked confused. "That even when you make a bad deal...it can still end up good. Even if there are...hiccups in the road." I said looking at his legs, there where the most noticeable feature in the night.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "I also don't know how to get back." Talon said with a nervous laugh.

I shook my head. "Yes of course I will help you both." I head.

"MASTER WU GET DOWN." I heard someone yell as a blast of green flew past me.

An attach???? You know it (><)

(1020 Words)

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