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•Lloyds POV


Death has been spiting at Ninjago for a few weeks or so now.

A Serial Killer. It started as just a simple one death a week. But lately...there's been more. Much more.

It's been hard keeping up with it all. And frankly...it's been talking a toll on all of us.

Kai and Cole are in denial on the whole situation. Saying they risked there life for Ninjago and now someone is getting away with...This.

I, Jay, and Zane are more worried about the fact that if we can't come up with someone soon...the people of Ninjago may think we have given up on them.

Calls come in left and right, some not even related to the killer but of people think they are there.

The closest thing we've come to finding any info on this mystery person is they kill with an almost dull knife and it's always a few swings usual at the shoulders or legs then a slit to the throat.

"Lloyd?" Zanes voice rings through my ears bringing me out of thought.

I look at the ninjrode, the only one of us to not have bags under there eyes.

"Ya?" I choked up. "There's been a call...where going to investigate." He said. I nodded and stood up from my seat.

We walked out of the monastery and into the court yard. Cole and Kai where speaking while Jay listened.

"Let's go." I said forming my dragon and taking off. The others followed my action and we flew to the main city.

Since this killer started going around us ninja took it upon ourselves to use our elemental dragons, they where easier to get around with.

After a while of not using our dragons, we were all a bit rusty. Zane had to almost re teach us how to fly again.

It didn't take long to get there but once we did we landed and started to the called spot. Kai walked ahead of us and I started looking around.

"There was a report of a tussle in an alley around here." Zane clarified. Kai nodded but didn't turn his head. He ran a bit ahead.

We turned down a few more alleys still Kai in the lead we turned down another alley and we looked ahead.

Kai was stoped looking down another alley. We stoped, Kai never just froze.

I looked a bit closer at his face and I could just see a slight fear run over it, before he took off down the alley.

Cole quickly went after him.

That was our cue. The rest of us quickly ran to the spot Kai was just frozen in fear and we all stoped.

Kai was kneeling beside something. Cole just off to his left. I took a step forward before Kai stood up to his fullest.

He looked up at the sky then back down and what I could now see was a body.

I could almost hear Jay gasp under his breath. Something was in Kai's hand

His mask

He had taken his mask off is Gi and was holding it. A moment later he threw it down onto the face of the unknown body and started toward us.

"Find their parents." He said before taking off. We all ran up to the desists body. Just like the others; a few stab wounds and a slit to the throat.

Zane scanned the body and gasped. Something he almost never did.

"They're no older then seven..." He said shaking his head. Cole was the first to move to the body. He moved the shoulder lengthen hair away from there ears and tried to feel for a pulse. Carefully avoiding Kai's mask.

He shook his head and stood up. Kai had thrown his mask right on the face. Most of it getting into the open bloody wound of the persons or child's neck.

"We should go after Kai..." Jay offered starting out of the alley. I nodded and followed. "I will stay here to contact the parents." Zane said looking back at the blood lost body.

"I'll stay as well." Cole said. "Good idea...at least if the killer comes back you'll have back up." I said as I formed my dragon. Jay followed an we took off.

This is a short chapter

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This is a short chapter. Yes this is the first but I don't like making chapters shorter then 1000words. But I'm making an acceptation as I want to really start the book next chapter.

^(this little ^ means the text above was made when the chapter was first written [roughly a year ago!!] and text included with it are from the day of posting so if you see that in future chapters that's the reason)

^Anyway sorry for the late release this drawing took me soooo long so for future updates I probably won't put it into a four image and probably only do 1-3.

^Also feel free to ask any questions you have about my story or drawing program!! (Also excuse my horrific drawings of people I'm working on it.)

Anyway. Ty for reading

(829 Words)

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