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Once the sun came up, I was eager to leave and reunite with my moms and Dinah could clearly tell.

"I'm happy you found your family, Parker!" She smiled lovingly at me.

"Even with the way they spoke to you?" I questioned looking at her through the mirror as I brushed my teeth.

"I understand where they're coming from. They're just trying to protect you-- they didn't do a very good job the first time around, but still". She shrugged.

"I need you to be nice! That day wasn't their fault!" I warned making her sigh.
"I'll play nice as long as they do too!" She shrugged.

I spat the toothpaste into the sink before rinsing out my mouth and toothbrush and turned to look at her.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I smiled wrapping my arms around her neck as she stepped into my embrace.

"Yeah, but I love hearing it!" She smiled back before leaning in to kiss me slowly.

Once Dinah and I were dressed, we went downstairs where my sisters were conversing with the girls.

"We ready to go?" I asked gaining their attention.

"Oh, I love a good reunion!" Camila sighed happily as we walked out the house and I smiled at her.

"So, the girls tell us you've toughened up since the last time we saw you". Natacha spoke as I walked behind the girls with my sisters next to me.

"A lot has happened in Six months!" I chuckled.

"To be honest these girls aren't half bad. We haven't really spoken to Dinah since our encounter in the woods, but the others are cool-- but Lauren really scares me!" China commented making me chuckle.

"Eh, put Mani in the same room and she turns into a love sick puppy!" I shrugged and Lauren's whole body snapped towards me and she raised her eyebrow at me.

"I heard that!" She growled making me smile at her.

"Love you, Lo!" I sang out and she rolled her eyes before turning to face the front of her again.

"Well, you're no different with Dinah!" Ally teased making me blush.

Dinah looked back at me with a wink, smirking slightly before looking at Camila who was busy talking to her.

"You said these girls saved you! How did they do it?" Sierra asked curiously making me sigh.

I turned to stand in front of them and they stopped walking to look at me as I pulled the collar of my shirt down to reveal two deep scars going down from the base of my neck to my collar bone and their eyes went wide.

"The Vampire that attacked China came after me and was seconds away from ripping my throat out but they came just in time". I explained before starting to walk again.

"Camila and Ally helped me learn about my powers and how to control them. I can do a lot more than just sense danger!" I smirked.

"Ooh-ooh, do that thing you do!" Camila smiled cheerfully.

"Camila--" I groaned but she cupped her hands together and pouted at me.

"Please!" She begged making me huff.

"Fine!" I grunted and she squealed as the others stopped to look at me. My sisters watched me confused yet interested in what I was about to do.

I clenched my fists tightly and began thinking about the day I thought I lost my family which started to awaken the power inside of me. My eyes started glowing bright blue and my sisters took a step back in shock as the wind started picking up. My hair whipped around my face as my feet started lifting off the ground and my powers radiated off my body in jolts of electricity. My sisters mouths fell agape as they watched in astonishment before my feet were placed firmly on the ground again and everything went back to normal again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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