Chapter 4 ❤️

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Did he just tell me that he wants to kill me? I am absolutely astonished by what he said and I end up gritting my teeth to refrain from making the terrible terrible comment I want to call him using the word "mother". Maybe now I'll play just to kill him! Maybe I won't even play and do it!

"Well actually, Kevin, Rob said we don't say kill," Cameron says totally ignoring the actual context of what he said. This child just said he wanted to kill me dammit! "Rob thinks 'kill' is too aggressive and that 'taking out' is better."

"He thinks 'taking out is better'?" I scoff. In what world would hearing someone say: I'm going to take you out, be any better?

"Well would you rather be 'out' or 'dead'?" Cameron looks straight at me over the children's heads and I just roll my eyes. Neither is my answer. That's why I wanted to know how and what I had to do in order to watch from the sidelines. I really like the sidelines and hoped I could stay there as long as possible.

A little boy with glasses raised his hand and Cameron pointed to him, allowing him to speak. "My mom said I can't play because she doesn't want me to be a serial killer when I get older," he says.

"What the hell?" I murmur under my breath unsure of what just happened here. His mom said what now? I quickly look to Cameron's face for his reaction just be sure I just heard what I think I did. Cameron laughs, not being able to hold it back any longer after trying very hard, making me laugh right along with him. Some children join in although I'm pretty sure some are laughing even though they don't get it, just like most little kids do. But seriously what kinda parent says that?

"Ok guys I'll come back to this topic later because The Hunger Games Games aren't until later in the summer and we'll have plenty of time to talk about it another time," Cameron announces and I hear a chorus of disappointed "aw"s break out. "Sorry guys," Cameron shrugs.

"Counselor Cam, I have one more questions," the little kid raises his hand again and everyone turns to him. Cam looks down at him and nods, silently allowing him to speak. "When's lunch?"

Lunch didn't seem so bad. Everyone knew where to go and had a place to sit and someone to sit with, so we were able to just dismiss the children. I was childless and it felt like I could actually breath again. Is this what having kids felt like? Like you were being suffocated? Sheesh.

"Hey," Cameron said breaking me from my thoughts, thankfully.

"Hi," I replied back, stuffing my hands into my jean shorts pockets. After the greeting we went quiet. Both of us were unsure of what to say next. Luckily I remembered something that happened earlier and decided to bring it up. Good thing we ran out of conversation because I really wanted to know the answer for this too. "Where did you go after you left? You know, after you left me all alone on the first day of my counseling here to round up the children like they were my flock and I was a shepherd who was having first day jitters." I find myself finishing that long sentence and immediately wishing I had some tape to layer over my mouth. This had got me thinking that maybe I should stick to listening.

Cameron snickered and I shook my head at my stupidity. Wow he's probably laughing to make you feel better after you just made a complete and utter fool of yourself.

"Sorry," I apologize, covering my face with my hands. "I kinda ramble whenever I get nervous and sometimes the weirdest shit will come out. Once I gave a presentation in front of my class about llamas." I nod thinking back to the humiliating moment.

"Llamas? That's not so bad," he chuckles, again laughing at my own expense.

"My presentation was about the human body," I admit, making him laugh harder and I couldn't help but laugh too. I can feel a blush taking over my face and try to avoid his stare. I hate blushing. I hate how it makes my cheeks turn fire truck red and when I do it I just want to hide behind my hair. Not only is he making me blush now but he's already made me nervous and the constant eye contact he wants to make isn't working for me. Eye contact, definitely not my strong point.

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