:) Enjoy Gabe :)

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That got them away and I got up just great by myself. I huffed when I got up, still trying to get air into my lungs, and then I walked outside with all of my candy, grabbing my Root Beer too this time, giving a quick wave to the boys with the explanation, "I'm going for a walk... or something..." and walking outside.

Me being me, naturally I got lost. But I suppose luck was on my side this time, because I found this magnificent little park, not the kind that would be swarming with kids from all over during the day time, but a neighborhood one. And it had a gorgeous little (err... very, very large) lake, relecting the sun as it was just begining to rise. It impacted me then how long I had been gone.

I shrugged to myself and thought, 'Whateves Sammy and Dean'll get me soon.' and sat down with my treasure trove, tearing into the already open Skittles. I finised them quickly, because I wouldn't want any stalies, would I? They were already kind stale because I hadn't closed them after the Sam incident, but whatever.

So now, with an open 2 liter bottle of Root Beer in hand, and a song on my mind and out of my lips, I watched the sun set. (A/N Yes, I know, I normally do this on my other story, but I couldn't refuse doing this song after I just heard the live performance of Fireflies and the sun and the lake and... ah.... I just, I love Owl City all over again, so you can just skip the song but, the words are meaningful and I love them)

                                                                      Vanilla Twilight - Owl City


The stars lean down to kiss you

And I lie awake and miss you

Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere

'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly

But I'll miss your arms around me

I'd send a postcard to you dear

'Cause I wish you were here

I'll watch the night turn light blue

But it's not the same without you

Because it takes two to whisper quietly

The silence isn't so bad

Till I look at my hands and feel sad

'Cause the spaces between my fingers

Are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways

Though I haven't slept in two days

'Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone

But drenched in vanilla twilight

I'll sit on the front porch all night

Waist-deep in thought because when I think of you

I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone

As many times as I blink

I'll think of you tonight

I'll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter

And heavy wings grow lighter

I'll taste the sky and feel alive again

And I'll forget the world that I knew

But I swear I won't forget you

Oh, if my voice could reach back through the past

I'd whisper in your ear,

Oh darling I wish you were here

I was sad singing the song, I mean who wouldn't be? But I sung it anyway, watching the sun rise and the perfect colors the reflected from the sky to the water. I thought of my family at home and couldn't help but think it was for the better that I left them, that I found Sam and Dean, and hey, I have Dad now, right?

So, I finished singing, looking at my legs and playing with little pieces of grass on the ground, ripping them up and patting them back down, and then I had some Peanut M&M's with my Root Beer.

I was there in silence, that is until I heard chuckling behind me. I whipped my head around and spotted that Blondie that thought I stole his candy. But, I wasn't mad to see him, I was actually glad to have some company.

I watched as he stalked towards me and then sat down, shivering and blowing his breath, watching it form a puff of fog. I smiled and rubbed my hands together, then grabbed the unopened bottle of soda and asked, "Root Beer?"

"Hells yes!" He said, grabbing the bottle, twisting open the cap in one movement, and violently chugging down half the bottle. Then he smirked when he put the bottle down and said, "Well, you stole my candy and now my favorite spot? If I didn't know any better, I would say you'e stalking me!"

I scoffed and said, "You come to the places AFTER me, remember?"

He shrugged and reached for some M&M's. I was tempted to slap his hand, but I didn't. So instead, I said, "I'm Mackenzie." And he said, "Yeah, I know."

I didn't ask how, and I didn't really care, and he took the opportunity to say, "I'm Gabriel."

"Nice to meetcha, Gabe." I said with a slight smile. He gave me one back and said, "It's Gabriel."

I nodded and said, "I'll keep that in mind when I'm introducing you, Gabe." He sighed, but said nothing more. I smiled and continued watching the sun rise, occasionaly having some candy or a swig of Root Beer. Gabe did the same.

Until I heard the frantic calls of Sam and Dean, "MACKENZIE!!! MACKENZIE, WHERE ARE YOU!?!?"

I sighed, but got off of the ground, brushing myself off. I gave a sad, little smile to Gabriel and said, "I guess that's my cue to go..." He nodded and grabbed a bag of my remaining candy, I think it might have been a pack of Nerds. I shook my head, laughing softly and then I began to walk away with my candy and the trash from it.

But then I heard Gabe say, "Y'know, I heard you singing..."

I turned around, and I could tell my face twitched with dismay. I was pretty sure that I wasn't the best singer out there...

But, he said, "It was beautiful..." I could tell there was shock on my face and he rubbed his hand against the back his neck, a faint blush coloring his cheeks and he stuttered, "I-I mean, I thought you should know, j-just in case we don't see each other again... or sumthin'..."

I felt a smile light up my face, and I quickly grabbed the bag of Peanut M&M's that had been in m pocket all day. I squished the bag and grinned in success, they were just melted enough.

I grabbed Gabe's hand, ignoring his, "What're you-" and wrote my number on his hand with the bleeding M&M's. When I was done I tossed him the pack and said, "Here, I don't really care for hand germs." and walked away with a smile.

I could hear him laugh behind me, and that made me smile wider. Until I saw two very angry Sam and Dean's walk, well stomp, my way. I gulped and gave them a little wave. Dean's nostrils flared. I really wish I could tell Gabe to run, but...

So instead, I just hurried up and jogged to them."I got lost?" Dean grabbed my arm, tightly might I add, and almost literally dragged me to the car parked near the park's fence. I wriggled my arm out of his grip as we neared the car and said, "I knew you guys would find me."

They both blinked, before small smiles graced thier face. But then Dean snorted, shook his head, and said, "C'mon, get in the car so we can get some friggin' sleep."

I smiled and hopped in the back seat. At least they weren't too too mad. But I knew they would find me. I knew it. And my bonding time with Gabriel wasn't that bad. I mean, the kid is... Well, he's him, there's no other way to say it.

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