Chapter 1

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2 years ago
Past time

Kol's POV:
"Brother! We have to go!!" Nik yells at me in a rush to leave. "I have to see Davina first, I can't just abandon her!" I yell back. "There's no time.. if you want to stay here and let our father kill you then be my guest! We're leaving!" He says to me then runs to the car. I sigh as I go with them to the vehicle. I can't believe I have to leave like this. I never wanted to leave her, she's the love of my life. I wanted her to come with us. What if my father gets to her. No!! I can't think like that! She'll be fine...

2 years later
Present time

Davina's POV:
I woke up hearing a cry come from another room. I look over at the time as it's only a little past midnight. I sigh getting up grabbing my robe putting it on around me. I walk out, leaving my room, walking in the room with the little cry. "Don't worry baby, mommy's here."

I walk over to my baby as I pick him up, rocking him slowly in my arms. he loves that. Watching as hell hushes down, i kiss his forehead softly, "Did you miss your mommy? Is that why you're so fussy baby?" I smile looking down at him as I coo to him. I walk to my room with my baby, laying him in the middle of the bed as I lay down next to him.

"Mommy's right here sweetie." I speak in a soft tone, as I softly stroke his hair. "Momma" he says making me smile just before I hear a knock downstairs at the door. I sit up a little curious as to why Someone's here in the middle of the night.

I stand up looking back at my baby, "mommy will be right back." I turn around and slowly begin to walk downstairs to the door. I put my hand on the knob and slowly twist it, opening it. The guy looks at me as I open the door.

"Davina..." my eyes widen as I look at who it is. No!! This isn't happening right now! "Kol.." I muttered as He walks a little closer and I back up. "What are you doing here?" I say keeping my distance from him.

"I want to talk. Please." He says and I was about to talk when I hear a cry from upstairs, a sigh leaving my lips. "Stay right there." I turn away from him, quickly heading upstairs to my room "what's wrong Sebastian?" I walk over and pick him up.

"Are you hungry?" I smile at him in my arms. "Yes" he says quietly as I walk downstairs with Sebastian in my arms, walking to the kitchen, not worrying about Kol. I set him down in a chair and walked my way to the fridge grabbing one of his apple sauce packets he loves so much as I hear him talking to himself.

I smile turning around and walking over, sitting in the chair in front of him. I open the top of the apple sauce, handing it to him. "Here you go sweetheart ." I speak as he smiles and takes it from me. "Tank you mommy" he says to me.

Kol's POV:
I walk in quietly shutting the door then walking to the kitchen where Davina went. "A baby?" I say as Davina turns to me.  "Yes. A baby. I said stay where you were." She says to me sternly, with a very aggressive look on her face. "How old is he?" I ask her only for her to ignore me.

"Can I at least know his name?" I ask as she keeps ignoring me. I get a little curious and ask, "where's his father?" "Dead." She says coldly, as she doesn't look at me. "I'm sorry, love.." I say feeling a little bad for her.  But...I can't help but feel anger and jealousy...that someone else had his hands all over my girl...

"It is what it is." She says, looking back at me. "Now go." "Davina, I want to talk." I say, sympathy filling my voice. "but I don't!" She yells at me. Not that I can blame her. I left her, I don't deserve her. I never even should've came back here....

2 years ago
Past time

Davina's POV:
I wake up one morning, as I walk downstairs looking around, Kol wasn't anywhere to be found. Maybe he went to the compound? I grab my jacket, walking outside putting it on.

I walk to the compound, seeing no one in sight. "Kol?!" I shout out, but no answer. I see Marcel walk downstairs. "What're you doing here D?" He asks me. "I was looking for Kol, I thought he'd be here." I say to him a little worried.

"He left. They all did." He says to me, anger in his voice.  "what??" I ask confused. "They fled New Orleans, they've done this before. Mikel was after them, it's what they do." He says to me. I can't believe that.

He just left? No text? no card? no phone call? nothing? "so they all just left?" I ask, feeling a small crack in my voice, but I try to hide it. Watching as marcel nods his head. "I'm sorry, D." He speaks, sincerity in his voice. But I ignore him and turn around, leavingthe compound.

I go back to my house, slamming the door shut. I couldn't help but slide down against the door, tears rushing down my face as I run my hands through my hair. I felt betrayed...broken.. abandoned...I can't believe he just left me...

2 years later
Present time

Davina's POV:
I smile watching Sebastian hop off of the chair, running over to the trash can, throwing the empty apple sauce packet in the trash. "why are you still here?" I ask Kol as I turn to him, sounding very annoyed.

"I'm not leaving until we talk." He says and I sigh. "Fine. Talk." I say to him, crossing my arms. He sighs and walk closer to me, "I know what I did was wrong, and there's no excuse for it, but I am truly sorry, Davina. And if you give me one more chance, I won't ever leave again. I swear."

Did he really just say that? "Are you kidding me?!" I yell at him. I had just a little bit of button left and he just pushed it off the edge! "Davina, please. I can't stop thinking about you, I haven't stopped thinking about you since the night I had to leave." He says to me, I can see the sorrow in his eyes, I can tell he's being sincere, but I didn't care. Not anymore. He made his choice.

"That's the problem, Kol! You didn't have to!! You chose to! You have no idea what it was like waking up to realize you left!!" I yelled at him. He deserves it, I hate how it felt, it broke me in pieces!

"You can't tell me you don't feel anything between us anymore.." He speaks. I'm a soft tone to me. "Okay, you need to leave. Now." I say to him angrily "Davina, please." He practically begs, "no!! Now go!!" I shout and turn away from him.

He keeps staring at my back side hoping I'll turn to him but I won't. I can't. What if he leaves again? I can't do this to myself. Feeling A tear, shedding from my eye. "okay. If that's what you want, I'll go. But just know, I mean it when I say I'm not leaving. Mikel is dead." He says right before he walks out of my house.

I close my eyes, wiping away the tears on my cheeks. I've waited for that day for two years, but I can't let him back into my life, not now. Not ever.

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