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A/N~ Guys I am sorry for not updating in a while its currently the school holidays in the UK and I go back to school next week and I have my mock exams coming up towards the end of my school year so I will be very stressed out but I will find time to update don't you worry! I have some very big news to share with you guys... my book is being translated into Portuguese by the lovely @vic_Scolbell you should all check out her profile and she has already written some stories! Once again I'm sorry for the lack of updates but I've been spending my summer with my friends and boyfriend so I have had very little time to update!

Walkers POV:

Stupid Zoe. I know I cant be mad at her but she couldn't of chosen a more inconvenient time to come to Avery's trailer. She had to come in right when we were having a special moment. I leave Avery's trailer alone to enter my own trailer.  Inside my trailer I take a moment to myself to go through my phone and reply to my messages before I go to see Avery at her rehearsal. I check my phone to see that both of my parents have messaged me.


Hey sweetie how is the rehearsal going? I cant wait to see you soon! What time should I pick you up?


Hi mum yeah its going fine I will tell you more when I get home! I was going to ask Avery if she wanted to go to Starbucks with me once we are both finished with rehearsal for the day and then I was wondering if you could pick us up from there and then drop Avery off before we head home?

I then check my dads message.


Hey son how's it going?


Hey dad its going fine thanks how are you?

I'm about to grab my script when my phone lights up and vibrates. I don't bother to check it though because I need to learn some more lines and annotate my script a bit before my next rehearsal. I look at the clock on my wall and I realise I only have 45 minutes.

Avery's POV:

The walk to rehearsal with Zoe felt like it was longer than it should've been and the only reason it could've been like that is because the entire walk was filled with silence. And not the comfortable type of silence. I could tell that Zoe wanted to ask a lot of questions but I could also tell she knew it was better to ask on our break from rehearsals rather than right before our rehearsals and for that I was grateful.

"Thank you." I said as we rounded a corner.

Zoe paused for a minute to look at me before saying "For what?"

"For not asking any questions until our break." I say turning to look at her to smile.

She smiled back and I could tell it was hard for her not to ask any of the questions she has formed in her head. We walked through a set of double doors in order to enter the area which we are rehearsing in today. There was a big set in front of us with loads of people running around and calling names of the people they needed. I loved what I do. The atmosphere around my is never dull and I have already made so many memories here with the cast members and the crew and we are only at the beginning of our journey. 

Zoe and I arrive on set after having our hair and makeup taking care of. My lip gloss I had on before arriving was slightly smudged when I arrived at the makeup chair. I could tell the makeup artist knew but she didn't bother asking me anything. 

"Oh Walker what have you done to me?" I thought .

The thought of Walker however was interrupted by the voice of Shawn shouting " 3, 2,1 AND ACTION" 

I loved it when he said that.

I fell in love with you- Walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now