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A/N~ Guys me and my close friend are like trying to write as much as possible for you so that you don't get bored, well like I'm writing but my friend is editing and checking for mistakes for me honestly I don't know where I would be without him in terms of this book.

Avery's POV

A few days had gone by after the meeting with Dylan and it was the day of the audition. Today. Was. The. Audition. I was so nervous. I decided to not go to school today so I could memorise the lines for Harley that I will be needing to know for the audition. I decided to go with a cute outfit today nothing too classy but nothing too casual.

Happy with my outfit, I smiled at myself in the mirror, grabbed the lines I needed to learn and headed outside to see my mum

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Happy with my outfit, I smiled at myself in the mirror, grabbed the lines I needed to learn and headed outside to see my mum. As per usual she was sat in the car waiting for me. "Come on Avery we are going to be late, imagine what an amazing first impression that will be." She said shaking her head and rolling her eyes. Believe me mum I know all about lateness and first impressions. The car ride was quiet with me reading my lines and my mum humming the songs on the radio, she was always like this on these types of journeys. She made sure to be quiet as to not distract me from doing whatever it was that I was doing and somehow always knew when was the right time to talk.

After I had read my lines multiple times, I decided to check in on Walker, right about now it would be break time so he would probably be sneaking on his phone anyway so he should respond.


"Hey Walker how is school? Bet its boring without me lol, I'm on my way to the audition now so I just wanted to check in on you :)"

Walker <3

"Hey Ave yeah I'm fine its weird actually because I'm not in school, I am also on my way to an audition, I've learnt all the lines for my role too but my character seems a bit like a sarcastic asshole haha. I'm there now and my audition is at 11:10 so in about 2 minutes so I've got to go. Cya tmrw!"

Walker's POV (changing the POV's up a bit aren't I artist?)

I sat in the car with my dad in utter silence, it wasn't awkward it was just a comfortable silence. Neither of us knew what to say. Neither of us knew what to do. It hadn't always been like this, me and my dad used to be really close, we used to play football together in the back garden whilst mum cooked us dinner, he used to chuck me over his shoulder and run around with me but that has all changed since I got into acting. My dad is a very stereotypical male he believes that sports and numbers is things that men should do, not acting, he believes that acting is for females even though when acting first originated during William Shakespeare period and only the men were allowed to act he still believes that it isn't a job suited for males. Ever since I had my first audition he's become more and more distant, now it's me and my mum who are close, she takes me to auditions, takes me to acting classes and she helps me remember my lines. But this time I had to do it all by myself, mum was at work and was working late shifts the whole week and therefore she hasn't been able to help me so I've had to do it all by myself and she made sure to get my dad to take me so I was there on time. Last night she emailed Mr Higgens and informed him that I wouldn't be going to school due to my audition and Mr Higgens was fine with it.

Most of the car ride was spent with me looking out the window and my dad looking ahead keeping his eyes on the road. The awkward silence was soon interrupted by my phone buzzing. It was a text from Avery. I liked Avery, a lot, I first saw her in the corridors of school the 3rd day of year 9 and she was standing there in front of the lockers getting shoved by all the year 10's and 11's. She was small. Smaller than nearly all the year 9's I could tell that by looking across the corridors that she was small.

Avery <3

"Hey Walker how is school? Bet its boring without me lol, I'm on my way to the audition now so I just wanted to check in on you :)"


"Hey Ave yeah I'm fine its weird actually because I'm not in school, I am also on my way to an audition, I've learnt all the lines for my role too but my character seems a bit like a sarcastic asshole haha. I'm there now and my audition is at 11:10 so in about 2 minutes so I've got to go. Cya tmrw!"

Soon after Avery read my text, we arrived at the audition centre. My chest started tightening. Oh no. "Just breathe" I told myself "In and out. In and out." My dad coughed breaking the awkward silence between us.
"Well. Here we are. Goodluck son I will be waiting outside for you." My dad breathed.

I nervously stepped outside taking a deep breath in. It was time. I grabbed the door handle and stepped in.

There was busy people all over, far too busy to direct me on where to go. I looked around the corridors hoping to fine someone to help me. Until I saw her. Avery. What was she doing here?

Avery's POV

I was looking around hoping to find someone until I met the gorgeous blue eyes. Walker. What was he doing here?

A/N~ thank you for all the votes I will try to update again tonight but I'm not sure. Look out for more updates but I've got school now so yeah

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