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A/N~ Guys I need to write a proper story because my friend decided to tell our school librarian that I'm writing a book and now she wants me to print of a page from my book for her to read, but I don't think she would expect it to be fanfiction so I really don't know what to do! Ahhh!

Walker's POV

I headed back to my trailer straight after rehearsal had ended. I needed to talk to Avery. I needed to say soemthing even if it was just a simple 'hi'anything for her to know that I still care for her, anything to make her not hate me.

I only ran way after rehearsal had stopped for half an hour so that I can gather my thoughts. I needed to know what to say to her, I can't jsut go out there and say something that will completely mess our friendship up, I needed to think smart. I can't just walk up to her and tell her that I love her. I couldn't. I know she doesn't feel the same about me.

I decided to stop dwelling on it and headed for her trailer. It wasn't far but the journey felt like hours. With every step I took, my legs shook and my heart pounded. I didn't know what I was going to say. 'I should turn around' I thought to myself. 'NO.' I need to tell her that I'm sorry, I might confess my feelings for her but that might be too much. Who knows if she will even accept my apology? She might hate me for life. That was something I definetly did not want to know or experience. I decided that I'm going to apologise for ignoring her but I'm not going to tell her how I feel, that would be too much and then I have the fear of rejection and even if she accepts my apology and I did tell her how I felt, she wouldn't feel the same and our friendship would be ruined forever.

Before I knew it. My feet had made themselves up the small 2 steps infront of Avery's door. I knocked, maybe a bit too hard, but at least I knocked. Better than barging in.

The door slowly opened. And I was met with her beautiful eyes. "Hey." I said.
"Um hi." She replied. A bit shaky, she was obviously surprised that I was here, I was too. "Can I come in?" I asked. I didn't want to apologise standing outside her door that would be beyond awkward. She moved out the way of the doorway and opened the door slightly more.

Her trailer was similar to mine, just she had different costumes on her rack and she looked like she put some photos of her and her family around, some of her and her parents. Some of her and Andrew. Andrew. I hate Andrew. He stole her off me. And I came to get her back.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry, I really am. Sorry for ignoring you, its jsut that it was my first ever kiss and I didn't know how to react. I know you tried talking to me and I jsut ignored you but that's only because I thought I messed it up, I thought that I wanst good enough for you. So I thought that if I ignored you, you would forger about me and fine someone else." I looked down at my feet. To scared to meet her eyes.

"Walker. I--"
I looked up at her. Meeting eyes. Finally.

I fell in love with you- Walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now