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A/N~ Guys my teacher is so nice!! I explained my book to her and now she let's me write in class when I'm done all the work!!

Avery's POV

Days went by of me, Walker, Ryan, Zoe, Jennifer, Mark and all the other cast members working hard to get our first actually scene completed and finally we came to the end.

"Yeah Adam" I said in a sarcastic tone.
"CUT" Shawn shouted, indicating the end of rehearsal.

As soon as Shawn shouted cut, Walker practically ran off of the scene to get to his trailer, his assistants and other staff members assigned to him quickly hurrying after him to keep up. The past few days had been like this. On scene, he would always look at me and talk to me, but I guess that was jsut because that's what his character had to do, if his character and mine weren't so close to eachother, he wouldn't be doing any if these things he's doing now. And when we're off scene, he doesn't pay attention to me, he just walks past me, gives me the cold shoulder, acts as if I don't even exist. I watched him as I saw his blonde curly locks walk around the corner.
"You should try and talk to him, you know?" Zoe said. Causing me to jump, I guess I had been in a trance and didn't notice her coming over, but in a way I was glad she came over, if she didn't then I probably would have followed Walker to his trailer and confessed my undying love for him or siemthing stupid like one if those cringey wattpad stories I read when I'm bored or done with my homework. I sighed. "I know but it's just not the right time, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to talk to me, I've tried but it's not use" I dropped Mt head in shame. Maybe if I tried harder he will finally give in and talk to me? Zoe put her hand on my lower back and started gently giving me back rubs, comforting me. I like Zoe, she always seemed to know the right thing to do and say at the right time, it was nice to know that I had thst type of person around me. It made me feel better knowing that i could turn to someone and tell them all ym rpoblems and they would have a splution to it, they wouldnt judge me they would just listen.That person used to be Walker, but now it was Zoe. Before I thought too far into it, I said my goodbye to Zoe and headed to my trailer which wasn't far away from Walker's.

Once I entered my trailer, I opened up my phone to see that I had some messages from Andrew. My face lit up. I always knew that if I didn't have Walker, I could always rely on Andrew, and at this moment, that is exactly what I was doing.

Andrew 12:45

Hi. How's rehearsal going? Let me know when your finished so then I can take you to Starbucks! I keep talking about you to my mum and she really wants to meet you!

Me 1:30

Hey! I'm on my break now, my break usually lasts about half an hour and then we have another hour of filming and then we're done. That sounds like a great idea I can't wait to meet her! I just need to quickly ring my mum and ask if it's okay with her then I will get back to you.

Andrew 1:32

Okay that's fine! Let me know what she says!


I dialed my my mums number and within 2 rings she picked up. "Hey sweetie, what's up? Are you okay?"

"Hi mum I'm fine, I was just wondering if I could go out with Andrew when we finish rehearsal? His mum wants to meet me and he wants to go to Starbucks!"

"Yeah that's fine, but you need to be back before 6:00 because that's when tea is okay?"

"Okay mum. Thank you!"

"It's okay but why didn't you tell me that you and Andrew were dating?"

"Mum! We're not dating, he just talks about me a lot to his mum!"

"Okay okay but I think you should tell that to him."

"What do you mean?"

"You only talk about someone to your mum if you are in love sweetie."

"Yeah mum sure, I don't like him like that..." I paused halfway through. Did I really like Andrew? I mean he was nice to me, and he has been really comforting to me when Walker stopped answering me, eventhough I didn't tell him the reason why--


"Oh yeah I'm here mum, but I've got to go! Love you!"

"Love you too! Enjoy your time out with Andrew and let me know how it goes."

I was about to text Andrew telling him the news but I was interrupted with a sharp, fast, hard knock on the door

I fell in love with you- Walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now