Authors Note

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A/N~ I just wanted to say a huge thank you for reading my book! This is my first book I have written on Wattpad although I have read many books on here that have turned into my favourites. As I said this is my first book so please don't judge me and no hate will be accepted here if you do choose to ignore this and continue to spread hate on my profile about my book I will simple block and remove you I have no time for that sort of stuff. I will try to update this book as often as possible but I do have school and family and my boyfriend as well so it might be difficult but I promise I will try my best! If I have made any mistakes please do no hesitate to leave a comment but be nice about it as I said no hate will be accepted.  

Pronouns~ Avery will go by the pronouns she/her and if you feel uncomfortable with that please don't hesitate to let me know just drop me a message and I will change them if you really wish for me to then I will do that for you I wouldn't want to make anyone uncomfortable.

Discrimination~ I won't accept any discrimination towards any of the characters in this book like I've said multiple times you're probably sick of me saying it but if you would like me to change anything that happens in this book don't hesitate to let me know. The choices the characters make in this book are characters that I think define them and their personality but if you are not happy with that tell me!

Criticism~ I do accept criticism however never forget that criticism and hate are completely different things! If there is anything you would like to call me out on do not be afraid to do so I will change it I like receiving criticism because it makes me better as an author so please do not be afraid.

Smut *cough* the devils tango *cough*~ As far as I'm aware, there won't be any smut in this love story (sorry to disappoint) because I hate to say this but I've never written smut before I have however read it but I have never written it and this is my first book so I don't want to mess this up. Maybe in future? Walker Scobell is only 13 and Avery is also 13 so..... I don't really think I should write about them doing the devils tango just yet maybe when they are older?

Updates~ I will try to update everyday I just have like school and homework and stuff to do so sorry but I promise I will try

That is all I have to say so yeah!

Without further ado..... I present with great pride.....

I fell in love with you- Walker Scobell


I fell in love with you- Walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now